Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin
CS 329E - Elements of Web Programming (Spring 2019)
Unique No: 50855
Room: GDC 5.302
Time: MWF 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Instructor: Dr. Shyamal Mitra
Office Hours: MWF 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Office: GDC 6.320
Do not send mail on Canvas
Teaching Assistant: Wei Sun
Office Hours: TTH 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: GDC 4.304
Required Text: Web Programming
Authors: Lysecky, Vahid
Publisher: Zyante
ISBN: 978-1-5418-5782-7
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Scope of the Course
This is an elective course in the Elements of Computing series. I assume
that you know Java or Python at the level taught in CS 303E and 313E.
Experience using HTML or other packages to develop web pages is not required.
This is an introductory course in understanding the technologies involved in
developing a web application. We will be writing programs to build our web
applications rather than using any one software package like Dreamweaver
or content management systems like Drupal. This is where your programming
knowledge from CS 303E and CS 313E will be extremely helpful.
Not only will we learn the technical details of building a web application,
we will also discuss and think about design issues. We will interleave our
lectures on design with discussions on technical topics during the first
half of the course. The second half of the course will be mainly technical
There will be reading assignments before each lecture. The readings will
be from the text book or you might be asked to research the web. I expect
you to come to class having read the material. The class period will be
taken up in discussing the material. There will be regular exercises that
will go along with the discussion.
There will be homework assignments that will consist of problems posted on
the web. These programming assignments you can complete in the CS Lab.
You may also choose to use your own computer to work on these assignments.
The only way to learn web development is to program. Doing the programming
assignments is crucial to performing well in class. Assignments will be
given almost every week. Each assignment will have a clearly stated due
date and time. Assignments start out being easy but get harder over the
semester. If you are having considerable difficulty with Assignments 2
and/or 3, please see me immediately. The assignments will require a
substantial time commitment over several days (an average of 10 to 15
hours per week should be expected). Be sure to budget sufficient time to
complete assignments before the deadline.
The goal of some of these homework assignments will be to build sub-components
of your final project. It will be to your benefit to save all your
homework assignments.
There will be a clearly stated deadline for each assignment. This permits
grading to start promptly after the submission deadline so that assignments
maybe returned promptly. If you do not finish an assignment by the deadline
you have a maximum of two days to turn your assignment in. However, there is
a penalty of 10 points (out of 100 points) per day. Your assignment is one
day late until the midnight of the day after it is due, two days late from
then until midnight of the second day. If you still have not completed your
assignment after the second day, you need to talk to me about your particular
Final Project
The final project will involve building a web site. You will be given
temporary accounts on the CS machines to store and host your web site. You
will be working in groups of 2 or 3 for the final project. You will decide on
the content of the web site after discussing with me. The technical
specifications for the web site will be given to you. The final project will
be due on the last day of class.
There will be regular exercises from the book - on all major sections of
the course - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL. Attendance to lectures
is mandatory. If you are missing a lecture you need to send me an
e-mail explaining why.
There will be in class quiz every day starting after the add/drop period.
There will be one or two questions in a given quiz. The questions will be
from the reading assignments or the material discussed in class the previous
day. The quizzes will be hosted on Canvas. You will need a smart phone or
laptop to answer the questions. There are no makeup quizzes. I will drop
the lowest of your three quiz grades. This number is non-negotiable. This
drop will take care of any absences that you may have or any electronic
mishaps that you may have with your smart phone or laptop.
There will be three tests and no final examination. The tests will be take
home tests but with a finite time limit of 3 hours. They will be in the
evenings and will have to be done on your computer or a computer in the
CS lab. Make-up exams will be given ONLY for an official UT conflict, and
you must submit a written make-up request with proof of conflict to the
instructor one week before the tests.
Test Schedule
Test | Date | Time |
Test 1 | Wed, 27 Feb | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Makeup 1 | Thurs, 28 Feb | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Test 2 | Wed, 03 Apr | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Makeup 2 | Thurs, 04 Apr | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Test 3 | Wed, 08 May | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Makeup 3 | Thurs, 09 May | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Your performance in this class will be evaluated through the homework
assignments, participation in class as measured by your attendance and
exercises, three tests, and the final project. The weights of each of these
components are listed below:
- Exercises: 10%
- Quizzes: 10%
- Homework Assignments: 15%
- Three Tests (3): 45%
- Final Project: 20%
You can earn 5 points extra credit on the total sum of the three tests
for filling out the electronic evaluation for the class. To obtain those
extra credit points you must take a screen shot of the fact that you
completed the survey and then upload the screen shot to the appropriate
slot in Canvas.
Your final grade will be assigned after we obtain the weighted average
according to the weights as given above. Note that the average on Canvas
is not your true weighted mean. Your grade will be based on the traditional
- A: 90 - 100
- B: 80 - 89
- C: 70 - 79
- D: 60 - 69
- F: 0 - 59
We do assign grades on the +/- system. But those finer cutoffs will be
determined at the very end after the weighted average and standard
deviation of the class are computed.
Study Groups
Please organize yourselves into study groups of ~5 students who will
meet once a week to discuss the course. Typically, you will review
the lectures, do the reading, and attempt the homework independently
before your weekly meeting with your study group. Studying for tests
together is permitted and encouraged. You may discuss solutions to
problems in simple English but you cannot exchange code for
any assignment. iIf you are unsure about how to work together with
your friend in a legal, helpful manner, do come and talk with us.
Remember, it is always ok to "work together" with your professor or TA!
Academic Misconduct Policy
While you are free to discuss the course material with your classmates
and are encouraged to form study groups for the exams, collaboration on
homework or programming assignments is not permitted. You will
however, be working on the project together.
Helping a friend understand the intent of a homework or programming
assignment specification is permitted. Students who work together too
closely (e.g. design their solution together) should be aware that this
is a form of cheating called COLLUSION and is subject to academic penalties.
Penalties for academic misconduct include a failing grade in this course.
The homework, tests, and project must be the work of students turning
them in. University policy (see Dean of Students' policies on
academic integrity) will be followed strictly. We will be running a
sophisticated program on all submitted assignments to detect plagiarism.
If we do detect any cases of academic dishonesty, we will assign a failing
grade to all students involved and refer the cases to the Dean of Students.
Acts that exceed the bounds defined by the approved collaboration
practices will be considered cheating. Such acts include:
- Copying solutions, code, or programs from someone else or giving
someone else your solutions, code, or programs
- Participation in a discussion group that develops a solution that
everyone copies
We urge everyone in the class to take appropriate measures for
protecting one's work. You should protect your files, homework
solution sheets, etc. as deemed reasonable.
Your Responsibilities in This Class
- Your performance in this class will be determined by you! It will
require a strong dedication to learning the material and may require a
substantial time commitment to complete the programming assignments.
- You are expected to show up on time for class and stay for the
whole lecture.
- You are required to have your cell phones off at all times during
the lecture. You may not make or receive calls on your cell phone in
the lecture hall. Your cell phones must be off and out of sight.
- You may not use your laptop during lectures unless you
are told to do so.
- You are responsible for all material posted to the web site and
sent to the email list. Ignorance of such material is no excuse.
- You are responsible for all material presented in the lectures.
Note that lectures will include some material that is not available
- You are responsible for turning in your own work on all
assignments. Unauthorized collusion is not allowed and constitutes a
violation of the university's policies on academic integrity. See
above guidelines for more information on what is or is not allowed.
- You are responsible for protecting your work from being copied
by others.
- Your conduct in class should be conducive towards a positive learning
environment for your class mates as well as your self.
University Time Table
- 22 Jan 2019: Classes begin
- 25 Jan 2019: Last day of official add / drop
- 06 Feb 2019: 12th class day, official enrollment count is
- 18 - 23 Mar 2019: No class. Spring break.
- 08 Apr 2019: Last day to drop (with dean's approval) except for urgent
and substantiated, non-academic reasons or to change to or from
pass/fail basis.
- 10 May 2019: Classes end
General Policies
If you are absent from class or examination for the observance of a religious
holy day you may turn in your assignment or take the examination on an
alternate date provided you have given me written notice fourteen days prior
to the class absence. For religious holy days that fall within the first
two weeks of class notice must be given on the first class day.
Students with disabilities who need special accommodations should contact
the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office (471-6259 or
471-4641 TTY).