/* File: TestMineSweeper.java Description: Student Name: Student UT EID: Partner's Name: Partner's UT EID: Course Name: CS 312 Unique Numbers: Date Created: Date Last Modified: */ class minesweeper { /** mine and clue values, 9 - mine, 0-8 clue values */ public int[][] mines; /** tile values: 0 - open 1 - closed 2 - question 3 - mine */ public int[][] tiles; /** Game status - win, lose, play */ private String status; /** Default constructor * board size 9 x 9 * create mines and tile arrays * place mines * calculate clues * set game status to play */ public minesweeper() { initGame(9, 9); } /** Non-default constructor * use specifies board size * create mines and tile arrays * place mines * calculate clues * set game status to play * newRows number of rows for grid * newCols number of columns for grid */ public minesweeper (int newRows, int newCols) { initGame(newRows, newCols); } /** Returns the game status - "play", "win", or "lose" */ public String getStatus () { return status; } /** Returns number of rows in the board */ public int getRows () { return mines.length; } /** Returns the number of columns in the board */ public int getCols () { return mines[0].length; } /** Returns the value of the mines array at r,c * -1 is returned if invalid r,c * r row index * c column index */ public int getMines (int r, int c) { if (validIndex(r, c)) { return mines[r][c]; } else { return -1; } } /** Returns the value of the tiles array at r,c * -1 is returned if invalid r,c * r row index * c column index */ public int getTiles (int r, int c) { if (validIndex(r, c)) { return tiles[r][c]; } else { return -1; } } /** Mark tile - * open tile * flag tile as mine * set tile as question mark * close tile * r row index * c column index * t: 0 - open, 1 - close, 2 - question, 3 - mine * invalid r,c values must be ignored * a tile that is opened must stay open * a tile that is marked as a flag (ie. tile[][] value 3) can not be opened * tile values can only change when game status is "play" * game status must be updated after a tile is opened * implementation must be recursive; you can use a helper method */ public void markTile (int r, int c, int t) { // add your code here } /** Returns mines array as a String */ public String toStringMines() { String result = "\n"; for (int r = 0; r < mines.length; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < mines[r].length; c++) result = result + mines[r][c]; result += "\n"; } return result; } /** Returns tiles array as a String */ public String toStringTiles() { String result = "\n"; for (int r = 0; r < tiles.length; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < tiles[r].length; c++) result = result + tiles[r][c]; result += "\n"; } return result; } /** Returns game board as String */ public String toStringBoard () { String result = ""; for (int r = 0; r < tiles.length; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < tiles[r].length; c++) { result += this.getBoard(r, c); } result += "\n"; //advance to next line } return result; } /** getBoard - determines current game board character for r,c position * using the value of the mines[][] and tiles[][]array * '1'-'8' opened tile showing clue value * ' ' opened tile blank * 'X' tile closed * '?' tile closed marked with ? * 'F' tile closed marked with flag * '*' mine * * '-' if game lost, mine that was incorrectly flagged * '!' if game lost, mine that ended game * 'F' if game won, all mines returned with F */ public char getBoard (int r, int c) { // add your code here return 'X'; //this line must be modified } /** Create mines & tiles array * place mines * update clues * newRows number of rows for grid * newCols number of columns for grid */ private void initGame (int newRows, int newCols) { //allocate space for mines and tiles array if ((newRows >= 1) && (newCols >= 1)) { mines = new int[newRows][newCols]; tiles = new int[newRows][newCols]; //init tiles array resetTiles(); //place mines placeMines(); //update clues calculateClues(); //set game status status = "play"; } } /** Sets all tiles to 1 - closed */ private void resetTiles () { // add your code here } /** Places mines randomly on grid * integer value 9 represents a mine * number of mines = 1 + (number of columns * number rows) / 10 * minimum number of mines = 1 */ private void placeMines () { // add your code here } /** Calculates clue values and updates * clue values in mines array * integer value 9 represents a mine * clue values will be 0 ... 8 */ private void calculateClues () { // add your code here } /** Determines if x,y is valid position * x row index * y column index * true if valid position on board, * false if not valid board position */ private boolean validIndex (int x, int y) { //add your code here return true; //this line must be modified } /** Returns game status - true if game won or false if game not won */ private boolean gameWon() { //add your code here return false; //this line must be modified } } public class TestMineSweeper { public static void main(String[] args) { // create new minesweeper instance 2 rows by 5 columns minesweeper game = new minesweeper (2, 5); // display mines System.out.println ( game.toStringMines() ); // display tiles System.out.println ( game.toStringTiles() ); // display board System.out.println ( game.toStringBoard() ); // mark tile at (0, 0) as Open game.markTile (0, 0, 0); // mark tile at (0, 1) as Question Mark game.markTile (0, 1, 2); // mark tile at (0, 0) as Mine game.markTile (0, 2, 3); // display tiles System.out.println ( game.toStringTiles() ); // display board System.out.println ( game.toStringBoard() ); } }