Class Work (CS 312) 18 Jun 2012

Number Conversions

  1. Convert the following numbers in decimal to 8-bit 2's complement binary: 49, -68
  2. Write the binary equivalent of all numbers from 0 to 15 in 4-bit binary.
  3. These are 8-bit 2's complement binary. What decimal numbers do they represent?
  4. Convert the following numbers to unsigned binary, octal, and hexadecimal: 25, 73
  5. Convert these numbers in octal to binary, decimal, and hexadecimal: 547, 624.
  6. Convert these hexadecimal numbers into binary, octal, and decimal: B1D, 1F4.
  7. The hexadecimal number EF is a 2's complement number in 8-bit binary. Convert it to decimal.
  8. Add 4B and C9 and express the answer in octal.
  9. Add 375 in octal to D6 in hexadecimal and express the answer in decimal. [Hint convert both numbers to binary and add.]
  10. Add the following 2's complement 8-bit numbers: 1100 1011 and 1010 0111. Ignore the overflow bit. Express the answer in decimal.

Please finish the problems given by 20 Jun 2012. If you have any questions, you may ask them in class on Monday (18 Jun 2012).