Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin

CS 312 - Introduction to Programming (Summer 2012, Unique No. 91035)
Lecture MWF 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, CPE 2.212
Discussion T 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, BUR 212

Instructor: Dr. Shyamal Mitra
Office Hours: MF 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM, F 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM     Location: PAI 5.35
Office Hours: W 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM     Location: PAI 5.33

Teaching Assistant: John Edwards
Office Hours: TH 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: PAI 3.14
Office Hours: F 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Computer Lab PAI 5.38

Proctor: Ryan Montgomery
Office Hours: MW 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Computer Lab PAI 5.38

Required Text: Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Version by Y. Daniel Liang, Ninth Edition. Publisher: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-0-13-292373-6

Scope of the Course

Computing is an integral part of all natural sciences and engineering disciplines. All other disciplines require some familiarity with computers. This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of computing and programming to students who wish to major in Computer Science. In this course we will cover basic computer architecture and software components. We will learn to program in a high level language (Java). We will learn problem solving techniques for numerical and scientific problems. We will study the object-oriented features of Java, develop our own algorithms, and translate them to computer code. No prior programming experience is required but familiarity with personal computers will help significantly.

We will be following the text quite closely. Supplemental notes will be available on the web. Unlike the traditional lecture format, our classes will be a venue for solving problems, writing programs, and exchanging ideas. Your attendance to the classes (lectures as well as discussion) is mandatory. If you are not there for any lecture you need to send me an e-mail explaining why.


You may choose to use your own computer to work on these assignments. If you work on your home computer, you will have to download and install the Java Software Development Kit from Sun Microsystems. You will also want an IDE like BlueJ, JBuilder, or JCreator.

The only way to learn programming is to program. Doing the programming assignments is crucial to performing well in class. I strongly recommend that you write programs over and above what is assigned to you. Assignments will be given almost every week. Each assignment will have a clearly stated due date and time. Assignments start out being easy but get harder over the semester. If you are having considerable difficulty with Assignments 2 and/or 3, please see me immediately.

The assignments will require a substantial time commitment over several days (an average of 10 hours per week should be expected). Be sure to budget sufficient time to complete assignments before the deadline.

Turn in your assignments on time. This permits grading to start promptly after the submission deadline so that assignments maybe returned promptly. If you do not finish an assignment by the deadline you have a maximum of two days to turn your assignment in. However, there is a penalty of 10 points (out of a 100 points) per day. Your assignment is one day late until the midnight of the day after it is due, two days late from then until midnight of the second day. If you still have not finished your assignment, see me and discuss your particular situation. You may be given an extension upto a week with 30 points late penalty. The late submission penalty only applies to programming assignments and not to the tutorial exercises on Coding Bat or Live Lab.

Specific grading criteria vary on each assignment. However, in general, programs that do not run correctly on the Linux machines in the CS Lab (PAI 5.38) configuration will receive no more than 80% of the possible points. Other point deductions are given for such things as: incorrect results, missing features, bad solution logic, etc. No matter what configuration of software that you have on your home computer, the assignment that is turned in must run successfully on the Linux machines in the CS Lab (PAI 5.38) configuration in order to be graded. Here is the general grading critera for programming assignments.

All assignments must be submitted using the web based turnin program. We will not accept assignments e-mailed to us. Before you use the turnin program you must create a CS account. It takes at least 24 hours for your account to get activated. You will have to remember your CS username and password. It maybe different from your UT EID and password. Do not share your account information with anyone. You can reset your password if you forget it.

Always make a backup copy of the Java source code (i.e. the .java file) on a removable secondary storage device (e.g. a flash drive). This will be necessary in cases where your program gets lost, is corrupted, or if there is some dispute over what was turned in when.

For assigned programs, the source code (.java file) must be turned in. The source code must be a text file that can be run through a Java interpreter. Word processing files (those created with Microsoft Word, for example, and ending with .doc extension ) will not be accepted.

If you want us to help you debug your program, upload your program to UT Webspace or bring your program (on a portable storage device like USB Flash Drive) to us during office hours and we will go through the program with you. Do NOT just e-mail the program to us for debugging.

Graded Assignments: Assignments submitted via the turnin program are placed in your directory on the turnin server. Graded assignments will be returned by placing a copy of the graded assignment in the same directory. The copy will contain comments and your grade and will have a file name similar to the name of the file turned in. These files can be viewed with any text editor such as Notepad. Once you have submitted an assignment for a grade, do not delete the submitted file or the returned file from the server. These files are part of your record for the course and must be saved by you in case of a lost file or grade dispute. Your grades for the assignments will be entered on Blackboard. Do check Blackboard on a regular basis.

Grade Dispute: You have one week from the date the assignment grade is posted to dispute your grade. The proctors will be grading the assignments. Send the proctor for your section an e-mail and copy the TA in charge of the assignment and see if you can resolve your differences. If you cannot resolve your differences, you may send me an e-mail explaining the situation. We will not entertain any grade disputes after one week.

Assignment Identification: All assignments must be submitted with the proper header, containing your name (as registered), your unique section number, and the assignment number at the top of the assignment. The format for the header will be specified in the assignment. That specification will over-ride any other header specification (e.g. the header description in the documentation for the turnin program).

In addition, because assignments are submitted as files by the turnin program, they must have the correct file name, which will be specified in the assignment handout. You must also ensure that you turn in the assignment to the correct unique section folder - that is, the section you are currently registered in. Lost assignments are typically caused by turning in an incorrect file name and/or turning a file into the wrong section folder. Assignments, which omit the header or are incorrect in any one or more of these requirements, will have the grade reduced by 5% of the maximum grade.

Tutorial Exercises

We will be working on the exercises posted on Coding Bat. Please create an account on Coding Bat . Use your first name and middle name as the first name and your last name with any suffix for the last name on the registration form. Once your account is created, share your account with Do not send e-mail to this account. There will also be tutorial exercises on Live Lab. The sign up code and instructions on how to register for an account will be given to you in class. There is no extension to the Tutorial Exercises. If you miss the deadline you do not get credit for them.


We will be having quizzes regularly throughout the semester. I will announce the quizzes a day ahead of time. There are no make-up quizzes. You may miss one of the quizzes during the semester.


There will be three tests and no final examination. The three tests will be in class. The tentative test dates are - 29 Jun, 23 Jul and 10 Aug.

Make-up tests will be given only for the following reasons. In all cases you must provide some form of documentation.

Having another test on the same day is not official UT conflict! For each test you may bring a non-programmable calculator.

Questions concerning test grades should be given to me in writing along with your test within the next class day that the test is handed back. We will not entertain any disputes after that time.


Your performance in this class will be evaluated using your scores for class participation and attendance, quizzes, tutorial exercises, programming assignments, and three tests. The weights of each of these components are listed below. There are no extra credit projects or assignments to improve your grade other than the make-up tests mentioned above.

If you have more than 4 absences during the semester you will forfeit all the points alloted to class participation, i.e. 5% of your final grade.

Study Groups

Please organize yourselves into study groups of ~5 students who will meet once a week to discuss the course. Typically, you will review the lectures, do the reading, and attempt the homework independently before your weekly meeting with your study group. Studying for tests together is permitted and encouraged. If you are unsure about how to work together with your friend in a legal, helpful manner, do come and talk with us. Remember, it is always ok to "work together" with your professor or TA!

Academic Misconduct Policy

While you are free to discuss the course material with your classmates and are encouraged to form study groups for the exams, collaboration on homework or programming assignments is not permitted unless you have notified us that you will be doing pair programming with a partner.

Helping a friend understand the intent of a homework or programming assignment specification is permitted. Students who are not pair programmers and who work together too closely (e.g. design their solution together) should be aware that this is a form of cheating called COLLUSION and is subject to academic penalties. Penalties for academic misconduct include a failing grade in this course.

The homework, programs, and exams must be the work of students turning them in. University policy (see Dean of Students' policies on academic integrity) will be followed strictly.

Acts that exceed the bounds defined by the approved collaboration practices will be considered cheating. Such acts include:

We urge everyone in the class to take appropriate measures for protecting one's work. You should make reasonable efforts to protect your files, homework solution sheets, etc. If we deem that you have cheated on an assignment, tutorial, quiz or test then depending on the degree of your culpability the penalty will range from a zero on that task to an F in the course.

Your Responsibilities in This Class

University Time Table

General Policies

If you are absent from class or examination for the observance of a religious holy day you may turn in your assignment or take the examination on an alternate date provided you have given me written notice fourteen days prior to the class absence. For religious holy days that fall within the first two weeks of class notice must be given on the first class day.

Students with disabilities who need special accommodations should contact the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office (471-6259 or 471-4641 TTY).