Constructing a String
String firstName = new String ("Alan ");
String lastName = "Turing";
String Length
int length = firstName.length();
Accessing characters in a String
The characters in a string have indices that run from 0 to
string.length() - 1. The method charAt() returns the character
at a specified index.
char ch = firstName.charAt(2); // ch = 'a'
Concatenation of Strings
String fullName = firstName + lastName;
String name = firstName.concat(lastName);
String welcome = new String ( "Hello World" );
String hello = welcome.substring (0, 5);
String world = welcome.substring (6);
Comparisons of Strings
The boolean operator ( == ) returns true only if the two strings
refer to the same String object. Use method equals() or
equalsIgnoreCase() to test for equality.
String str1 = "abcd"; String str2 = "abcd"; String str3 = new String ( "abcd" ); String str4 = new String ( "ABCD" ); ( str1 == str2 ) => true ( str1 == str3 ) => false ( str1.equals(str3) ) => true ( str2.equalsIgnoreCase(str4) ) => trueThe method compareTo( String anotherString ) compares two Strings lexicographically. It returns 0 if the two strings are the same. It returns a negative number if this String precedes anotherString and returns a positive number if this String follows anotherString.
int x = str2.compareTo(str4); // x > 0
String Conversions
To convert all the characters of a string to lower case use the
method toLowerCase(). To convert all the characters of a string
to upper case use the method toUpperCase().
String major = "Computer Science"; String majorLower = major.toLowerCase(); String majorUpper = major.toUpperCase();The method trim() returns a string with the leading and trailing whitespace omitted. The method replace ( char oldChar, char newChar) will return a new string by replacing all occurrences of the oldChar in this string with newChar.
Finding Characters
Finding Substrings
Converting Character Arrays to Strings and vice versa
char[] charArray = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' }; String hello = new String ( charArray ); String world = new String ( "World" ); char[] worldArray = world.toCharArray();
Converting Numeric values to Strings
double x = 2.512; String xStr = String.valueOf ( x );
Test Prefix and Suffix of Strings
String str = "polymorphism"; str.startsWith ("poly") => true str.endsWith ("ism") => true
Splitting a String
String line = "This is a test"; String[] result = line.split ( "\\s" ); for ( int i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) System.out.println ( result[i] );
The principal operations on a StringBuffer are append() and insert() methods. The append() method adds characters at the end of the buffer and the insert() method adds the characters at a specified location.
Every string buffer has a capacity. As long as the length of the character sequence does not exceed the capacity, it is not necessary to allocate a new internal buffer array. If there is an overflow, the string buffer is automatically made larger.
Creating a StringBuffer Object
StringBuffer strBuf1 = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer strBuf2 = new StringBuffer ( 100 ); StringBuffer strBuf3 = new StringBuffer ( "Hello World" );
Getting the capacity of a String Buffer
int x = strBuf2.capacity();
Adding Characters or Strings to a String Buffer
strBuf2.append ("put"); strBuf2.insert (0, "out");
Delete or Replace Characters in a String Buffer
strBuf3.delete(6,11); strBuf2.replace(3,6,"look"); strBuf2.setCharAt (6, 'p');
Reverse the Character Sequence
StringBuffer strBuf4 = strBuf2.reverse();
Get length of the character sequence in a String Buffer
int x = strBuf4.length();
Convert a String Buffer to a String
String str = strBuf4.toString();
java prog 1 2 3The numbers 1, 2, and 3 will be stored as strings "1", "2" and "3" in the array args. For example, the string "1" will be in args[0] and the string "3" will be in args[2].