Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin

Computational Astrophysics - HSRA (Summer 2024)
MTWThF 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, WEL 3.310

Instructor: Dr. Shyamal Mitra

Peer Mentor: Juhi Malwade

Peer Mentor: Hanyu Wei

Peer Mentor: Anthony Yang

Scope of the Course

This is an intense 5.5 weeks research course. In the first three weeks we will cover the foundational knowledge that you will need in astronomy, programming, and data science. You will then formulate a research problem, do a review of the work that has already been done, design a research plan, and then execute that plan. The end goal will be a paper that you will present in class and a poster that will be displayed in a college wide poster session.

Research Goal

In our research stream, we will begin to understand the large-scale structure of the universe through a study of the distribution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies using algorithms developed in computational geometry and applying techniques in data analytics. The galaxy data will be obtained from the Hobby Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX), the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED).

We will use computational geometry to obtain the size and center of clusters of galaxies and data analytics to determine member galaxies and outliers. We will compute the velocity dispersion of the clusters and their mass-to-light ratio. Specifically, one of the questions that we will try to answer is - are there interconnections between clusters and are the clusters themselves clustered to form superclusters? We will provide 3-dimensional maps of the distribution of galaxies.


Our lectures will be in-person. Attendance to the lectures is mandatory. We expect you to be punctual. If you are not there for a lecture, you or your parent must send me a letter explaining why.

Research Journal

You will be maintaining a research journal where you record the work that you did that week. You will note what you accomplished that week, the problems that you encountered, the work that you plan to do the following week, and any other issues that you would like to discuss. All journal entries will be due on Sundays on Canvas.


There will be a quiz every lecture day. The quizzes will be short and will be based on your readings and the lecture material of the previous day.


There will be two tests - midterm and final. The tests will be in class. The tests will have short answer questions in astronomy and programming. The final will be comprehensive.

Online Courses

Our research stream straddles many disciplines. We do not have a single textbook for our stream. We will use online courses in Coursera to fill the gaps in our knowledge. You will be given the units to complete and deadlines. There will be a late penalty for missed deadlines.


There will be programming assignments in Python and in data science using Jupyter notebooks. You will also have assignments in astronomy using the sources of data as mentioned above as well as other sources of online data. These assignments will have deadlines with late penalty for missed deadlines.


For your research you will write three papers. You will first choose a research question. The first paper that you will write will be a history of the field that you are interested in doing research. The second paper will be on the data that you collected and the preliminary analysis that you performed on the data. The third paper will summarize your research findings. This is also the paper that you will be presenting in class and on a poster.


Your performance in this course will be evaluated using your scores for the journal entries that you record, the quizzes and tests that you take, the online courses that you complete, the assignments that you work on, and the papers that write. The weights of each of these components are listed below. There are no extra credit projects or assignments to improve your grade. We do not drop any of the scores to compute the weighted average.

All scores will be entered on Canvas. Check your scores regularly on Canvas to make sure that we have entered them correctly. Remember the average score as shown on Canvas is not correct. It does not weight the average with weights as shown above. Your final grade will be assigned after we obtain the weighted average according to the weights as given above. Your grade will be based on the traditional scheme:

Study Groups

Do find a compatible group to work with in class. You will be working groups of at most three people. This does not preclude you from working with others in the class.

All our class discussion will be on Ed Discussion on Canvas. We expect your posts to be professional and courteous to every member in the class.

Your Responsibilities in This Class

General Policies

If you are absent from class for a doctor's appointment, major family event, or the observance of a religious holy day you may turn in your assignment or paper on an alternate date provided you or your parent have given me written notice prior to the class absence.