This form is to be used to vote for 10 individuals to to serve on the board of a newly formed International Machine Learning Society. The primary purpose of this society is to manage and support the holding of the annual International Conference on Machine Learning (click here for more information about the formation of this society).
You must be on the registered list of ICML/ECML attendees (in the form of an email address) in order to vote. If you are unable to vote because you are not on the list, but have attended an ICML or ECML in the past 5 years, please send mail to
Votes will be accepted until Nov. 2, 2001.
If you experience problems voting, please contact 1. Enter your email address as your voter ID.
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Email:2. Enter your votes.
You may vote for up to 10 candidates, but once you submit your votes, you cannot vote again.
Candidates (Check 10 boxes) Vote Name Title Affiliation Homepage Naoki Abe Research Staff Member IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Homepage Jonathan Baxter Director of Product Architecture WhizBang! Labs Homepage Kristin Bennett Associate Professor Rensselar Polytechnic Institute Homepage Michael Berthold Director of Data Analysis Tripos, Inc. Homepage Karl Branting Senior Research Scientist LiveWire Logic, Inc. Homepage Carla Brodley Associate Professor, Purdue University Homepage Claire Cardie Associate Professor Cornell University Homepage William W. Cohen Distinguished Research Scientist WhizBang! Labs Homepage Diane J. Cook Professor University of Texas at Arlington Homepage Nello Cristianini Visiting Lecturer BIOwulf Technologies and University of California, Berkeley Homepage Honghua Dai Professor Deakin University Homepage Andrea Danyluk Associate Professor Williams College Homepage Ramon Lopez de Mantaras Full Research Professor and Deputy Director Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, CSIC Homepage Luc De Raedt Professor Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg Homepage Thomas G. Dietterich Professor Oregon State University Homepage Pedro Domingos Assistant Professor University of Washington Homepage Marco Dorigo Maetre de Recherches du FNRS Universite' Libre de Bruxelles Homepage Charles Elkan Associate Professor University of California, San Diego Homepage Peter A. Flach Reader in Machine Learning University of Bristol Homepage Russ Greiner Professor University of Alberta Homepage Haym Hirsh Associate Professor Rutgers University Homepage Larry Holder Associate Professor University of Texas at Arlington Homepage Tommi Jaakkola Assistant Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology Homepage David Jensen Research Assistant Professor University of Massachusetts, Amherst Homepage Michael I. Jordan Professor University of California at Berkeley Homepage Leslie Pack Kaelbling Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Homepage Yves Kodratoff Director of Research U. Paris-Sud Homepage Nicholas Kushmerick College Lecturer University College Dublin, Ireland Homepage Pat Langley Director Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise Homepage Nada Lavrac Head of the Intelligent Data Analysis and Computational Linguistics Research Group Jozef Stefan Institute Homepage Michael L. Littman Member of Technical Staff AT&T Labs--Research Homepage Sridhar Mahadevan Associate Professor University of Massachusetts Homepage Stan Matwin Professor University of Ottawa Homepage Ryszard S. Michalski Planning Research Corporation Professor of Computational Sciences George Mason University Homepage Steve Minton Chief Technology Officer Fetch Technologies Homepage Dunja Mladenic Researcher Jozef Stefan Institute Homepage Andrew W. Moore A. Nico Haberman Associate Professor of Robotics and Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Homepage Katharina Morik Prof. Dr. University of Dortmund Homepage Hiroshi Motoda Professor Osaka University Homepage David Page Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin Homepage Ronald Parr Assistant Professor Duke University Homepage Bernhard Pfahringer Senior Lecturer University of Waikato Homepage Foster Provost Associate Professor of Information, Operations, and Management Sciences New York University Homepage Marco Ramoni Instructor in Medicine Harvard University Homepage Stuart Russell Professor of Computer Science and Smith-Zadeh Professor of Engineering University of California at Berkeley Homepage Lorenza Saitta Full Professor of Computer Science Universita del Piemonte Orientale Homepage Claude Sammut Professor University of New South Wales Homepage Robert Schapire Principal Member of Technical Staff AT&T Labs -- Research Homepage Juergen Schmidhuber Director IDSIA Homepage Michele Sebag Researcher Ecole Polytechnique Homepage Jude Shavlik Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison Homepage Padhraic Smyth Associate Professor University of California, Irvine Homepage Richard S. Sutton Principal Technical Staff Member AT&T Shannon Laboratory Homepage Antal van den Bosch Assistant Professor Tilburg University, the Netherlands Homepage Geoffrey Webb Professor of Computing Deakin University Homepage Ian H. Witten Professor of Computer Science University of Waikato Homepage Stefan Wrobel Prof. Dr. Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg Homepage