Using Meta-Learners
java <meta-scheme class> -W <base-learner> [meta-options] -- [base-options]
- The double minus sign (--) separates the two lists of options, e.g.
java weka.classifiers.Bagging –I 8 -W weka.classifiers.j48.J48 -t iris.arff -- -U
MultiClassClassifier allows you to use a binary classifier for multiclass data
java weka.classifiers.MultiClassClassifier –W weka.classifiers.SMO –t weather.arff
CVParameterSelection finds best value for specified param using CV
- Use –P option to specify the parameter and space to search
-P “<param name> <starting value> <last value> <# of steps>, e.g.
java …CVParameterSelection –W …OneR –P “B 1 10 10” –t iris.arff