appendix a: data formats accepted by MoBIoS

Sequences (dna, rna, and peptide) must be in FASTA format:

>CHR1v01212004 one line identifying the sequence, beginning with ">";
followed by one or more lines of sequence.

One FASTA file may contain any number of sequences.

see mobios-v0.9-examples/dna/data.fasta for an example of a file in FASTA format.

Spectra must be in the following format:

3 one line specifying the number of spectra in the file
0 861.45625 114.0919 201.1239 302.1716
1 224.10220 116.0348
2 231.11560 130.0504 231.0981
followed by the given number of spectra, where the first number on each line is the id of the spectra.

Tandem Spectra must be in the following format:

3 one line specifying the number of spectra in the file
0 861.45625 114.0919 201.1239 302.1716
1 224.10220 116.0348
2 231.11560 130.0504 231.0981
followed by the given number of spectra, where the first number on each line is the id of the spectra and the second number is the precursor mass.

see mobios-v0.9-examples/spectra/ for an example of a file in this format.

Vector data must be in the following format:

2 7


one line specifying the dimension and the number of vectors in the file
0.964623084272023400 0.874672094262884300
0.367999456218279230 0.412298341574510840
0.357376873714089200 0.480545005025524660
0.710523748946818800 0.934324559955898900
0.793549831097389900 0.910451809835068900
0.398115930027975960 0.500990520699254800
0.326475291162297450 0.408129083539293900
followed by the given number of vectors with the specified dimension

see mobios-v0.9-examples/vector/random-5-10000.txt for an example of a file in this format.






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table of contents


appendix a: (this page)
appendix b: BuildVPIndex options
appendix c: QueryVPIndex options
appendix d: sample annotated output