This course will cover a selection of LISP programming techniques for artificial intelligence focussing on the implementation of planning and search algorithms, pattern matching, rule-based systems, logic programming, natural language parsers, and object oriented programming. Previous exposure to LISP is useful; however, the language will be introduced and reviewed at the beginning of the course and prior knowledge of LISP is not required.
Periodic reading assignments from the text will be given and should be read before the corresponding lecture. Students will be held responsible for all information presented either in class or in the reading assignments.
Class lectures will use overhead transparencies. A packet of all of the slides for the semester is available at the Texas Union Copy Center (in the lower-level across from the cafeteria). I encourage everyone to buy this packet to avoid excessive note-taking during class.
There will be five or six programming assignments during the course of the semester (about one every two to three weeks) which together will account for 40% of the course grade. Except for the initial introductory LISP homework, assignments will involve extending and experimenting with an existing system written in Common Lisp that accompanies the text (see /u/mooney/cs351-code). Programming assignments will be done on departmental UNIX workstations. If you do not have a permanent UNIX account, you can obtain one from the Undergraduate Office. If you are not a CS major, the Undergraduate Office can issue you a temporary account. Assignments should be completed independently by each student and should always be appropriately commented.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day due and will generally involve submitting code electronically using the turnin program. Be sure to hand in assignments promptly, late penalties are a loss of a percentage of the original overall points for the assignment: 1 Day: 15%, 2 Days: 40%; 3 Days: 75%; 4 Days or greater: 100%.
There will be two in-class exams during the semester, around Feb. 22 and April 4, each counting 18%. We will review for tests the class before.
There will be a comprehensive final worth 24%. The final is officially scheduled for Sat. May 13, 9AM-12PM.