Instructions for Handing in Machine Learning Homeworks
Please turn in a hard copy of your project report at the beginning of class on
the due date. Electronically submit a directory to the TA that has your
working code, run traces, and a concise README file describing these
before class using the turnin program as follows:
turnin --submit vkv cs391L-hw# <directory_name>
where # should be replaced with the homework number.
Please check your submission by executing turnin with the --list
turnin --list vkv cs391L-hw#
Note: Turnin is located in /lusr/bin; if that directory is not in your path, then call it as /lusr/bin/turnin.
Please observe the following when handing in homeworks:
- Structure, indent, and format your code well.
- Use adequate comments, both block and in-line to document your
- Type and nicely format the project report, including discussion points,
tables, graphs etc. so that it is presentable and easy to read.
- Working code and/or correct answers is only one part of the assignment.
The project report, including discussion of the specific issues which the
assignment asks about, is also a very important part of the assignment. Take
the time and space to make an adequate and clear project report. On the
non-programming learning-theory assignment, clear and complete explanations and
proofs of your results are as important as getting the right answer.
- Specify full package names for classes you modified in your hard copy report.
For example, if you modified the "" file,
specify "weka.classifiers.vspace.ConjunctiveVersionSpace" in your report.