On tcsh or csh shells in Unix: setenv CLASSPATH
On bash shell in Unix: export CLASSPATH='.:/u/mooney/ir-code'
Instead of typing these in everytime you run the code, you can also add these lines in the .cshrc file (for tcsh or csh), or the .bashrc or .profile files (for bash). If you are adding it to your .bashrc, make sure to source ~/.bashrc to update the CLASSPATH variable. You will need to do this every time you open a new terminal window. If you are adding it to your .profile file, make sure to source ~/.profile or open a new terminal window to set the CLASSPATH. You don't need to worry about running source ~/.profile in the future because .profile will be sourced every time you open a new terminal window. You can verify that CLASSPATH has been updated by running the command echo $CLASSPATH
Follow the trace at www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mooney/ir-course/curlie-sample-trace.txt for a list of possible commands to try out. Open a Firefox browser before you run the code in order to have selected documents displayed in the browser.
On tcsh or csh shells in Unix:
setenv CLASSPATH '.:/u/[your-login-name]'
On bash shell in Unix:
export CLASSPATH='.:/u/[your-login-name]'
where [your-login-name] is your Unix login name.
If you copy the code into a different directory, make sure that CLASSPATH is set to the parent directory of the "ir" directory. In the example above, we set CLASSPATH to the $HOME directory because we copied the "ir" directory to the $HOME directory.
Instead of typing these in everytime you run the code, you can also add these lines in the .cshrc file (for tcsh or csh), or the .bashrc or .profile files (for bash). (See section A.1 for more information on .bashrc and .profile)
Follow the trace at www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mooney/ir-course/curlie-sample-trace.txt for a list of possible commands to try out. Open a Firefox browser before you run the code in order to have selected documents displayed in the browser.
for Internet explorer:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE "+url);
for Firefox:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe "+url);
If you are using OSX, modify the exec line in Browser.java following this Stack Overflow question.