HTML entity support in XDOC.
Entities that XDOC allows:
Normal XML entities:
- & becomes &
- < becomes <
- > becomes >
- " becomes "
- ' becomes '
Additional basic and math entities allowed by XDOC:
- becomes (that is, a single space)
- — becomes —
- ← becomes ←
- → becomes →
- ↔ becomes ↔
- ⟨ becomes 〈
- ⟩ becomes 〉
- … becomes …
- ‘ becomes ‘
- ’ becomes ’
- “ becomes “
- ” becomes ”
- ∧ becomes ∧
- ∨ becomes ∨
- ¬ becomes ¬
- ≠ becomes ≠
- ≤ becomes ≤
- ≥ becomes ≥
- ∣ becomes ∣
- × becomes ×
Capitalized Greek letters:
- Α becomes Α
- Β becomes Β
- Γ becomes Γ
- Δ becomes Δ
- Ε becomes Ε
- Ζ becomes Ζ
- Η becomes Η
- Θ becomes Θ
- Ι becomes Ι
- Κ becomes Κ
- Λ becomes Λ
- Μ becomes Μ
- Ν becomes Ν
- Ξ becomes Ξ
- Ο becomes Ο
- Π becomes Π
- Ρ becomes Ρ
- Σ becomes Σ
- Τ becomes Τ
- Υ becomes Υ
- Φ becomes Φ
- Χ becomes Χ
- Ψ becomes Ψ
- Ω becomes Ω
Lower case Greek letters:
- α becomes α
- β becomes β
- γ becomes γ
- δ becomes δ
- ε becomes ε
- ζ becomes ζ
- η becomes η
- θ becomes θ
- ι becomes ι
- κ becomes κ
- λ becomes λ
- μ becomes μ
- ν becomes ν
- ξ becomes ξ
- ο becomes ο
- π becomes π
- ρ becomes ρ
- σ becomes σ
- τ becomes τ
- υ becomes υ
- φ becomes φ
- χ becomes χ
- ψ becomes ψ
- ω becomes ω
Mathematical symbols:
- ∀ becomes ∀
- ∃ becomes ∃
- ∅ becomes ∅
- ∈ becomes ∈
- ∉ becomes ∉
- ∏ becomes ∏
- ∑ becomes ∑
A few tests
Test of `single' and ``double'' smart quoting for legacy topics.
Test of ‘single’ and “double” smart quoting for
regular old entities.
Test of `single' and ``double'' quotes in a <tt> tag and in
a <code> tag:
`single' and ``double''
Test of `single' and ``double'' quotes in inline preprocessor stuff,
and in preprocessor blocks here:
`single' and ``double'' quotes !
Test of primes in math: foo' and
That should probably about do it.