Like bits-0-7, but since 8 doesn't divide 60, we have this goofy function for the final bits.
(60bits-0-3 offset x acc) → *
(defun 60bits-0-3 (offset x acc) (declare (type unsigned-byte offset) (type (unsigned-byte 60) x)) (let ((__function__ '60bits-0-3)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((acc (if (logbitp 3 x) (cons (+ 3 offset) acc) acc)) (acc (if (logbitp 2 x) (cons (+ 2 offset) acc) acc)) (acc (if (logbitp 1 x) (cons (+ 1 offset) acc) acc)) (acc (if (logbitp 0 x) (cons offset acc) acc))) acc)))
(defthm 60bits-0-3-redef (implies (force (natp offset)) (equal (60bits-0-3 offset x acc) (append (add-to-each offset (bits-between 0 4 x)) acc))))