Evaluating AIGNET networks
The (combinational) semantics of an AIGNET network is given by the function
(lit-eval lit invals regvals aignet).
Invals and regvals are bit arrays containing a value for each (respectively) primary input and register node in the network. But because this function is a simple recursive specification for the semantics of a node and not written for performance, it is likely to perform badly (worst-case exponential time in the size of the network).
To actually execute evaluations of nodes, instead do the following:
(b* ((vals ;; Resize vals to have one bit for each aignet node. (resize-bits (num-fanins aignet) vals)) (vals ;; Copy primary input values from invals into vals. (aignet-invals->vals invals vals aignet)) (vals ;; Copy register values from regvals into vals. (aignet-regvals->vals regvals vals aignet)) (vals ;; Record the evaluations of all other nodes in vals. (aignet-eval vals aignet)) (lit-value1 ;; Look up the value of a particular literal of interest. (aignet-eval-lit lit1 vals)) (lit-value2 ;; Look up another literal. (aignet-eval-lit lit2 vals))) ...)
(Note: invals and regvals have a different layout than vals; they include only one entry per (respectively) primary input or register instead of one entry per node, so they are indexed by I/O number whereas vals is indexed by node ID.)
The following theorem shows the correspondence between a literal looked up
(defthm aignet-eval-lit-of-aignet-eval (implies (aignet-idp (lit-id lit) aignet) (equal (aignet-eval-lit lit (aignet-eval vals aignet)) (lit-eval lit (aignet-vals->invals nil vals aignet) (aignet-vals->regvals nil vals aignet) aignet))))
These theorems resolve the copying between invals/regvals and
(defthm aignet-vals->invals-of-aignet-invals->vals (bits-equiv (aignet-vals->invals invals1 (aignet-invals->vals invals vals aignet) aignet) (set-prefix (num-ins aignet) invals invals1)))
(defthm aignet-vals->invals-of-aignet-regvals->vals (bits-equiv (aignet-vals->invals invals1 (aignet-regvals->vals regvals vals aignet) aignet) (aignet-vals->invals invals1 vals aignet)))
(defthm aignet-vals->regvals-of-aignet-regvals->vals (bits-equiv (aignet-vals->regvals regvals1 (aignet-regvals->vals regvals vals aignet) aignet) (set-prefix (num-regs aignet) regvals regvals1)))
(defthm aignet-vals->regvals-of-aignet-invals->vals (bits-equiv (aignet-vals->regvals regvals1 (aignet-invals->vals invals vals aignet) aignet) (aignet-vals->regvals regvals1 vals aignet)))
For higher-level functions for simulation, see the book "aig-sim.lisp".