Convert any atom into a character-listp that contains its printed representation, rendering numbers in your choice of print base.
(explode-atom x print-base) prints the atom
(explode-atom 15 10) --> (#\1 #\5) ; 15 in decimal (explode-atom 15 16) --> (#\F) ; 15 in hex (explode-atom "foo" 10) --> (#\f #\o #\o) (explode-atom 'acl2::foo 10) --> (#\F #\O #\O) ; note: no package
See also explode-nonnegative-integer, str::numbers, and printing-to-strings.
(defun explode-atom (x print-base) (declare (xargs :guard (and (atom x) (print-base-p print-base)))) (cond ((rationalp x) (cond ((integerp x) (cond ((< x 0) (cons #\- (explode-nonnegative-integer (- x) print-base nil))) (t (explode-nonnegative-integer x print-base nil)))) (t (append (explode-atom (numerator x) print-base) (cons #\/ (explode-nonnegative-integer (denominator x) print-base nil)))))) ((complex-rationalp x) (list* #\# #\C #\( (append (explode-atom (realpart x) print-base) (cons #\Space (append (explode-atom (imagpart x) print-base) '(#\))))))) ((characterp x) (list x)) ((stringp x) (coerce x 'list)) ((symbolp x) (coerce (symbol-name x) 'list)) (t (coerce "SOME BAD ATOM" 'list))))