Challenge Proof Problems about
If you have not already, warm up by proving the correctness of your solutions to the problems in lp-section-8.
Remember to operate in a session in which you have included the
(include-book "projects/apply/top" :dir :system)
Our answers to the problems in lp-section-8 are in community-books file
LP12-1 Define
LP12-2 Under what conditions is the following a theorem? Fill in the blank and prove the theorem.
(defthm LP12-2 (implies ... (equal (loop$ for x in keys as y in vals collect (cons x y)) (pairlis$ keys vals))) :rule-classes nil)——————————
LP12-3 Prove
(defthm LP12-3 (equal (* 2 (len (loop$ for tl on lst append tl))) (* (len lst) (+ (len lst) 1))))
Hint: By phrasing the challenge with the multiplication by 2 on the left-hand side, we produce a conjecture that can be proved (perhaps with a few lemmas) without the need for “heavy duty” arithmetic books. Had we divided by 2 on the right-hand side, we'd have brought division into the problem which we intentionally avoided. You will still need a lemma or two, discoverable by The Method.
——————————LP12-4 Define
(defun nats (n) (cond ((zp n) (list 0)) (t (append (nats (- n 1)) (list n)))))
and prove that the obvious
LP12-5 Define
(defun nats-up (i n) (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (- (+ (nfix n) 1) (nfix i))))) (let ((i (nfix i)) (n (nfix n))) (cond ((> i n) nil) (t (cons i (nats-up (+ i 1) n))))))
(defthm LP12-5 (implies (natp n) (equal (loop$ for i from 0 to n collect i) (nats-up 0 n))) :rule-classes nil)——————————
LP12-6 Fill in the blanks below and prove the theorem. You may need hints. If not, just delete the :hints setting.
(defthm LP12-6 (implies (true-listp lst) (equal (loop$ ...) (strip-cars lst))) :hints ... :rule-classes nil)——————————
LP12-7 Prove the following, adding hints if necessary. Otherwise,
just delete the
(defthm LP12-7 (loop$ for pair in (loop$ for key in keys as val from 0 to (+ (len keys) -1) collect (cons key val)) always (integerp (cdr pair))) :hints ...)——————————
LP12-8 Fill in the blanks below and then prove the theorem. You may
need hints. If not, just delete the
(defthm LP12-8 (implies (natp n) (equal (loop$ ...) (nth n lst))) :hints ... :rule-classes nil)
Now go to lp-section-13 (or return to the