Primitive functions built into ACL2 without definitions
The ACL2 ground-zero theory includes axioms about
some built-in functions that are not given explicit definitions, such as
<, car, and symbolp. We sometimes call such functions
primitives. The built-in constant
(defconst *primitive-formals-and-guards* '((acl2-numberp (x) 't) (bad-atom<= (x y) (if (bad-atom x) (bad-atom y) 'nil)) (binary-* (x y) (if (acl2-numberp x) (acl2-numberp y) 'nil)) (binary-+ (x y) (if (acl2-numberp x) (acl2-numberp y) 'nil)) (unary-- (x) (acl2-numberp x)) (unary-/ (x) (if (acl2-numberp x) (not (equal x '0)) 'nil)) (< (x y) (if (rationalp x) (rationalp y) 'nil)) (car (x) (if (consp x) 't (equal x 'nil))) (cdr (x) (if (consp x) 't (equal x 'nil))) (char-code (x) (characterp x)) (characterp (x) 't) (code-char (x) (if (integerp x) (if (< x '0) 'nil (< x '256)) 'nil)) (complex (x y) (if (rationalp x) (rationalp y) 'nil)) (complex-rationalp (x) 't) (coerce (x y) (if (equal y 'list) (stringp x) (if (equal y 'string) (character-listp x) 'nil))) (cons (x y) 't) (consp (x) 't) (denominator (x) (rationalp x)) (equal (x y) 't) (if (x y z) 't) (imagpart (x) (acl2-numberp x)) (integerp (x) 't) (intern-in-package-of-symbol (str sym) (if (stringp str) (symbolp sym) 'nil)) (numerator (x) (rationalp x)) (pkg-imports (pkg) (stringp pkg)) (pkg-witness (pkg) (if (stringp pkg) (not (equal pkg '"")) 'nil)) (rationalp (x) 't) (realpart (x) (acl2-numberp x)) (stringp (x) 't) (symbol-name (x) (symbolp x)) (symbol-package-name (x) (symbolp x)) (symbolp (x) 't)))