The formals list of a macro definition
Examples: (x y z) (x y z &optional max (base '10 basep)) (x y &rest rst) (x y &key max base) (&whole sexpr x y)
The ``lambda-list'' of a macro definition may include simple formal parameter names as well as appropriate uses of the following lambda-list keywords from Common Lisp, respecting the order shown:
ACL2 does not support the Common Lisp lambda-list keywords
(1) initialization forms in
&optional and&key specifiers must be quoted values;(2)
&allow-other-keys may only be used once, as the last specifier; and(3) destructuring is not allowed.
The use of default values is allowed, so that an optional or keyword argument may be given in any of the following forms.
For the second and third forms above,
You are encouraged to experiment with the macro facility. One way to do so is to define a macro that does nothing but return the quotation of its arguments, e.g.,
(defmacro demo (x y &optional (opt '5) &key (key1 '6 key1p) key2) (list 'quote (list x y opt key1 key1p key2)))
You may then execute the macro on some sample forms, e.g.,
term value (demo 1 2) (1 2 5 6 NIL NIL) (demo 1 2 3) (1 2 3 6 NIL NIL) (demo 1 2 3 :key1 6) (1 2 3 6 T NIL) (demo 1 2 3 :key1 7) (1 2 3 7 T NIL) (demo 1 2 3 :key2 8) (1 2 3 6 NIL 8) (demo 1 2 :key1 3) error: non-even key/value arglist (because :key1 is used as opt)
In particular, Common Lisp specifies (hence so does ACL2) that if you use
ACL2 !>(defmacro foo (&rest args &key k1 k2 k3) (list 'quote (list args k1 k2 k3))) Summary Form: ( DEFMACRO FOO ...) Rules: NIL Warnings: None Time: 0.00 seconds (prove: 0.00, print: 0.00, other: 0.00) FOO ACL2 !>(foo :k1 3 :k2 4 :k3 5) ((:K1 3 :K2 4 :K3 5) 3 4 5) ACL2 !>(foo :k1 3 :k2 4) ((:K1 3 :K2 4) 3 4 NIL) ACL2 !>(foo :k1 3 :bad-key 7) ACL2 Error in macro expansion: Illegal key/value args (:BAD-KEY 7) in macro expansion of (FOO :K1 3 :BAD-KEY 7). The argument list for FOO is (&REST ARGS &KEY K1 K2 K3). ACL2 !>
If we don't want to get the error above, we can use
ACL2 !>(defmacro bar (&rest args &key k1 k2 k3 &allow-other-keys) (list 'quote (list args k1 k2 k3))) Summary Form: ( DEFMACRO BAR ...) Rules: NIL Time: 0.00 seconds (prove: 0.00, print: 0.00, other: 0.00) BAR ACL2 !>(bar :k1 3 :bad-key 7) ((:K1 3 :BAD-KEY 7) 3 NIL NIL) ACL2 !>
Also see trans.