High level command to load Verilog files, transform them, and generate the corresponding E modules.
Note: if you are new to VL and are trying to load some Verilog modules, you might want to start with the ESIM Hardware Verification Tutorial located in
books/centaur/esim/tutorial/intro.lisp, which shows some examples of using
General Form:
(defmodules *name* ;; a name for this translation loadconfig ;; required, says which files to load [:simpconfig simpconfig] ;; optional, simplification options
The required
(defmodules *foo* (make-vl-loadconfig :start-files (list "foo_control.v" "foo_datapath.v")))
After submitting this event,
The vl-loadconfig-p has many options for setting up include paths,
search paths, search extensions, initial
(defmodules *foo* (make-vl-loadconfig :start-files (list "foo_control.v" "foo_datapath.v") :search-path (list "/my/project/libs1" "/my/project/libs2" ...) :searchext (list "v" "V") :include-dirs (list "./foo_incs1" "./foo_incs2") :defines (vl-make-initial-defines '("NO_ASSERTS" "NEW_CLKTREE"))))
Aside from the load configuration, you can also control certain aspects of
how simplification is done with the