Evaluate SVL designs
(svl-run modname inputs-env ins-bind-alist out-bind-alist modules) → res
SVL-RUN has similar inputs to (@see acl2::def-svtv). However, some of those inputs (i.e., simulation patterns) are supplied to svl-run at runtime (or during the proofs).
For example:
(defconst *counter-input-binds-alist* `(("Clock" 0 ~) ("Reset" 1 1 1 1 1) ("Enable" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) ("Load" 0 1) ("Mode" 0) ("Data[8:0]" data8-10) ("Data[63:9]" data-rest)))
(defconst *counter-outputs* `(("Count[31:0]" count_low1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ count_low8 _ count_low10) ("Count[63:32]" count_high1 _ _ _ count_high2)))
(svl-run "COUNTER" (make-fast-alist '((count_low1 . -5) (count_low8 . 5) (count_low10 . 10))) *counter-input-binds-alist* *counter-outputs* *counter-svl-design*)))
(defun svl-run (modname inputs-env ins-bind-alist out-bind-alist modules) (declare (xargs :guard (and (sv::modname-p modname) (svex-env-p inputs-env) (alistp ins-bind-alist) (alistp out-bind-alist) (svl-module-alist-p modules)))) (declare (ignorable out-bind-alist)) (declare (xargs :guard (and (string-listp (strip-cars out-bind-alist)) (string-listp (strip-cars ins-bind-alist))))) (let ((acl2::__function__ 'svl-run)) (declare (ignorable acl2::__function__)) (b* ((module (assoc-equal modname modules)) ((unless module) (hard-error 'svl-run "Module ~p0 cannot be found! ~%" (list (cons #\0 modname)))) (module (cdr module)) (input-wires (svl-module->inputs module)) (output-wires (strip-cars (svl-module->outputs module))) (inputs-unbound (svl-generate-inputs ins-bind-alist input-wires)) ((unless (svex-list-listp inputs-unbound)) (hard-error 'svl-run "Something went wrong while parsing inputs... ~p0 ~%" (list (cons #\0 inputs-unbound)))) (inputs (svexlist-list-eval-wog inputs-unbound inputs-env))) (svl-run-aux modname inputs output-wires out-bind-alist (make-svl-env) modules))))
(defthm acl2::alistp-of-svl-run (b* ((res (svl-run modname inputs-env ins-bind-alist out-bind-alist modules))) (alistp res)) :rule-classes :rewrite)