How we convert Verilog modules instances into (preliminary) E module occurrences.
This documentation assumes you have already read e-conversion. Note that the E occurrences we generate in this initial pass are only preliminary and might include multiple drivers of certain wires. See also exploding-vectors, since we are going to be doing a lot of that.
To convert each Verilog module instance into preliminary E occurrences, we
need to create E language ACL2::patterns that represent (1) the inputs
and outputs of each module, i.e., the
Suppose we have a module with port declarations like:
input [3:0] a; input b; input [5:3] c; ...
Then we are going to generate an input pattern like:
:i ( (a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3]) (b) (c[3] c[4] c[5]) ...)
Here, individual bits like
Recall the difference between port declarations (see vl-portdecl-p) and ports (see vl-port-p). For instance:
module mymod (.low(vec[3:0]), .high(vec[5:4]), foo) <-- ports input foo; input [5:0] vec; <-- port declarations endmodule
We generate the
:i ((foo) (vec[0] vec[1] vec[2] vec[3] vec[4] vec[5]))
An instance of this mymod might look something like this:
mymod myinstance (a[3:0], b[1:0], c[7]);
Unfortunately, the I/O patterns we have generated for
To correct for this, we build a port pattern for each module. For
instance, the port pattern for
((vec[3] vec[2] vec[1] vec[0]) (vec[5] vec[4]) (foo))
The port pattern matches the shape of the module's port expressions, and lists the wires each port is connected to, in MSB-first order.
Port patterns are generated by vl-portlist-msb-bit-pattern. We can carry out certain checking to ensure that the port pattern mentions every input and output wire without duplication; see port-bit-checking.
Port patterns make it pretty easy to create the E occurrence for a module
instance. In particular, for any valid module instance, we can explode the
"actuals" into wires that line up perfectly with the port pattern. In the
case of
((a[3] a[2] a[1] a[0]) (b[1] b[0]) (c[7]))
We don't actually build this pattern. Instead, we directly construct an alist that binds each formal to its actual; see vl-modinst-eocc-bindings.