Printing routines for displaying Verilog constructs.
Using the VL printer, we implement pretty-printing routines
to display our internal parse-tree representation (see syntax) as
Verilog code. These functions produce either plain text or html output,
depending upon the htmlp setting in the printer state, ps.
- Vl-fmt
- Print format strings with support for Verilog constructs.
- Vl-ppc-module
- Pretty print a module with comments to ps.
- Vl-pp-expr
- Pretty-printer for expressions.
- Vl-maybe-escape-identifier
- Add escape characters to an identifier name, if necessary.
- Vl-print-ext-wirename
- (vl-print-ext-wirename modname wirename &key (ps 'ps)) prints a wire's name.
- Vl-pp-module
- Pretty-print a module to ps.
- Vl-print-wirename
- (vl-print-wirename x &key (ps 'ps)) prints a wire's name.
- Vl-print-loc
- (vl-print-loc x &key (ps 'ps)) prints a vl-location-p.
- Vl-print-modname
- (vl-print-modname x &key (ps 'ps)) prints a module's name.
- Vl-pp-origexpr
- Pretty-print the "original," un-transformed version of an
- Vl-pps-module
- Pretty-print a module to a plain-text string.
- Vl-pps-expr
- Pretty-print an expression into a string.
- Vl-ppc-modulelist
- Pretty print a list of modules with comments to ps.
- Vl-ppcs-module
- Pretty-print a module with comments to a plain-text string.
- Vl-ps-update-show-atts
- Set whether Verilog-2005 (* key = val *)-style attributes should
be displayed.
- Vl-pps-origexpr
- Pretty-print the "original," un-transformed version of an
expression into a string.
- Vl-pps-modulelist
- Pretty-print a list of modules to a plain-text string.
- Vl-ppcs-modulelist
- Pretty-print a list of modules with comments to a plain-text string.
- Vl-cw-obj
- Similar to vl-cw, but the arguments are given as a list
instead of as macro arguments.
- Vl-ps->show-atts-p
- Should Verilog-2005 (* key = val *)-style attributes be shown?
- Vl-cw
- cw-like function for printing to ps, with support for
pretty-printing Verilog constructs as in vl-fmt.