Transform assignments into occurrences.
We now introduce routines to transform post-split
assignments into occurrences of new, primitive modules.
We expect to see assignments of the form:
assign LVALUE = EXPR ;
where EXPR consists either of a single operand or of a single operation
applied to operands. We expect to not encounter certain operators such as
== and || which are handled by oprewrite.
We typically replace each assignment with an instance of a newly-generated
module. For instance, if our operation is a + b, where the operation is
being done in n bits, we introduce a new VL_N_BIT_PLUS module, and
replace the assignment with an instance of this module.
Each of our -occform functions takes as arguments:
- x, an assignment that typically must be of some particular form,
- nf, a vl-namefactory-p to use when generating new names,
- warnings, an ordinary warnings accumulator.
And returns (mv new-warnings new-modules new-modinsts new-nf),
- new-warnings is the new warnings accumulator which has been extended
with any warnings,
- new-modules are any newly generated modules that need to be added so
that we can instantiate them---that is, this list will define modules like
VL_13_BIT_PLUS that will be used to replace this assignment,
- new-modinsts and new-assigns are any new module instances and
assignments that, taken together, can replace x, and
- new-nf is the updated vl-namefactory-p that is used to generate
module instance names.
Typically new-assigns will be empty on success, and will just be
(list x) on failure.
- Vl-mux-occform
- Transform an assignment of a conditional expression into occurrences.
- Vl-basic-binary-op-occform
- Transform an assignment of a basic binary operation into
- Vl-occform-mkports
- Helper function for creating lists of port declarations.
- Vl-unary-reduction-op-occform
- Transform an assignment of a reduction operation into an equivalent
module instance.
- Vl-make-n-bit-mux
- Generate a wide multiplexor module.
- Vl-bitselect-occform
- Transform assign lhs = foo[i] into occurrences (dynamic
bitselects only!).
- Vl-assign-occform
- Transform an arbitrary single assignment into occurrences.
- Vl-plusminus-occform
- Transform an assignment of a addition/subtraction into occurrences.
- Vl-shift-occform
- Transform an assignment of a shift expression into occurrences.
- Vl-gte-occform
- Transform assign lhs = a > b into occurrences.
- Vl-plain-occform
- Transform a plain assignment into occurrences.
- Vl-unary-not-occform
- Transform assign lhs = ~a into occurrences.
- Vl-rem-occform
- Transform assign lhs = a % b into occurrences.
- Vl-div-occform
- Transform assign lhs = a / b into occurrences.
- Vl-ceq-occform
- Transform an assignment of a === expression into occurrences.
- Vl-mult-occform
- Transform assign lhs = a * b into occurrences.
- Vl-make-n-bit-dynamic-bitselect-m
- Generate a dynamic bit-selection module for an N bit wire and an M
bit select.
- Vl-simple-instantiate
- Convenient way to generating module instances.
- Vl-occform-mkwires
- Helper function for creating lists of net declarations.
- Vl-assignlist-occform
- Project vl-assign-occform across a list of assignments.
- Vl-occform-argfix
- Make extensions explicit for arguments to occform modules.
- Vl-make-n-bit-unsigned-gte
- Generate an unsigned greater-than or equal comparison module.
- Vl-make-2^n-bit-dynamic-bitselect
- Generates a dynamic bit-selection module for wire widths that are
powers of 2.
- Vl-make-n-bit-div-rem
- Top-level division/remainder module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-plusminus
- Generate an addition or subtraction module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-signed-gte
- Generate a signed greater-than or equal comparison module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-shr-by-m-bits
- Generate a module that shifts an N bit number right by an M
bit number.
- Vl-make-n-bit-shl-by-m-bits
- Generate a module that shifts an N bit number left by an M
bit number.
- Vl-occform-mkport
- Helper for creating ports in generated modules.
- Vl-make-n-bit-dynamic-bitselect
- Generate a basic dynamic bit-selection module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-reduction-op
- Generate a wide reduction AND, OR, or XOR module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-adder-core
- Generate an N-bit basic ripple-carry adder module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-xdetect
- Generate a module that detects X/Z bits.
- Vl-make-n-bit-x-propagator
- Generate a module that propagates Xes from inputs into an answer.
- Vl-make-n-bit-shl-place-p
- Generate a module that conditionally shifts an N bit number by
2**(P-1) bits to the left.
- Vl-make-n-bit-shr-place-p
- Generate a module that conditionally shifts an N bit number by
2**(P-1) bits to the right.
- Vl-make-n-bit-mult
- Generate an multiplier module.
- Vl-occform-mkwire
- Helper function for creating ports in generated modules.
- Vl-make-nedgeflop-vec
- Generate a w-bit wide, n-edge flop with output delay d
- Vl-make-n-bit-binary-op
- Generate a wide, pointwise AND, OR, XOR, or XNOR module.
- Vl-make-list-of-netdecls
- Generate a list of distinct wires with a particular range.
- Vl-make-n-bit-delay-1
- Generate an n-bit wide, 1-tick delay module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-zmux
- Generate a wide tri-state buffer module.
- *vl-2-bit-dynamic-bitselect*
- Primitive dynamic bit-selection module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-unsigned-rem
- Generate an unsigned remainder module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-unsigned-div
- Generate an unsigned divider module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-shr-place-ps
- Generate a list of place-shifters, counting down from P to 1.
- Vl-make-n-bit-shl-place-ps
- Generate a list of place-shifters, counting down from P to 1.
- Vl-make-n-bit-assign
- Generate a wide assignment module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-x
- Generate a wide X module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-ceq
- Generate a wide case-equality module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-xor-each
- Generate a module that XORs a bit with each bit of a vector.
- Vl-make-n-bit-not
- Generate a wide negation module.
- Vl-make-1-bit-delay-m
- Generate a one-bit wide, M-tick delay module.
- Vl-make-n-bit-delay-m
- Generate an N-bit wide, M-tick delay module.
- *vl-1-bit-signed-gte*
- Degenerate, single-bit signed greater-than-or-equal module.
- *vl-1-bit-div-rem*
- One-bit division and remainder.
- *vl-1-bit-adder-core*
- Primitive one-bit full-adder module.
- Vl-make-nedgeflop
- Generate an N-bit register with K edges.
- *vl-1-bit-mult*
- One-bit multiplier.
- *vl-1-bit-dynamic-bitselect*
- Degenerate 1-bit dynamic bit-selection module.