We try to detect missing signals from expressions.
Related wires often have similar names, e.g., in one module we
found wires with names like bcL2RB0NoRtry_P, bcL2RB1NoRtry_P, and so
on, up to bcL2RB7NoRtry_P. Such signals might sometimes be combined later
on, e.g., we later found:
assign bcL2NoRtry_P = bcL2RB7NoRtry_P | bcL2RB6NoRtry_P
| bcL2RB5NoRtry_P | bcL2RB4NoRtry_P
| bcL2RB3NoRtry_P | bcL2RB2NoRtry_P
| bcL2RB1NoRtry_P | bcL2RB0NoRtry_P;
Skip detection pertains to expressions like the above. In short, it would
be pretty odd if bcL2RB4NoRtry_P been omitted ("skipped") in the above
expression, or if say bcL2RB3NoRtry_P occurred more than once. We try to
detect such situations.
Note that some expressions might involve more than one group of these
kind of signals. For instance, we found:
assign bcNxtWCBEntSrc_P =
bcDataSrcLd_P ? ({3{bcWCB0DBSYQual_P}} & bcWCB0Ent_P)
| ({3{bcWCB1DBSYQual_P}} & bcWCB1Ent_P)
| ({3{bcWCB2DBSYQual_P}} & bcWCB2Ent_P)
| ({3{bcWCB3DBSYQual_P}} & bcWCB3Ent_P)
| ({3{bcWCB4DBSYQual_P}} & bcWCB4Ent_P)
| ({3{bcWCB5DBSYQual_P}} & bcWCB5Ent_P)
: bcWCBEntSrc_P;
We try to also detect skipped signals in these kinds of expressions.
- Sd-problem-p
- An alleged problem noticed by skip detection.
- Sd-keylist-find-skipped
- Perform skip-detection for a single pattern within an expression.
- Sd-keylist->indicies
- (sd-keylist->indicies x) maps sd-key->index across a list.
- Sd-key-p
- Keys are derived from wire names and are the basis of our skip
- Sd-patalist-compare
- Perform skip-detection for a single expression.
- Sd-analyze-ctxexprs
- Perform skip-detection for a list of expressions.
- Sd-problemlist-p
- (sd-problemlist-p x) recognizes lists where every element satisfies sd-problem-p.
- Sd-patalist-p
- (sd-patalist-p x) recognizes alists that bind strings to sd-keylist-ps.
- Sd-keygen
- (sd-keygen x acc) derives a list of sd-key-ps from x, a
wire name, and accumulates them into acc.
- Sd-patalist
- (sd-patalist x) separates a sd-keylist-p by their
patterns, producing a sd-patalist-p.
- Sd-keylist-p
- (sd-keylist-p x) recognizes lists where every element satisfies sd-key-p.
- Sd-analyze-modulelist
- Perform skip-detection on a module list.
- Sd-analyze-module-aux
- Collect all the problems.
- Sd-analyze-module
- Perform skip-detection on a module.
- Sd-pp-problem-long
- Sd-analyze-modulelist-aux
- Sd-problem-score
- Sd-pp-problem-header
- Sd-analyze-design
- Top level skip-detection for a design.
- Sd-problem->
- Basic ordering on skip-detect problems.
- Sd-pp-problem-brief
- Sd-pp-problemlist-long
- Sd-pp-problemlist-brief
- Sd-natlist-linear-increments-p
- Sd-keylist-linear-increments-p