Functions for parsing SystemVerilog timeunit and
timeprecision declarations.
The optional timeunits_declaration comes after the module
header. It is defined in a gross way to allow either a timeunit,
timeprecision, or both in either order:
timeunits_declaration ::=
'timeunit' time_literal [ '/' time_literal ] ';'
| 'timeprecision' time_literal ';'
| 'timeunit' time_literal [ '/' time_literal ] ';' 'timeprecision' time_literal ';'
| 'timeprecision' time_literal ';' 'timeunit' time_literal [ '/' time_literal ] ';'
- Vl-parse-optional-timeunits-declaration
- Matches [timeunits_declaration].
- Vl-parse-timeliteral
- Match a time_literal.
- Vl-parse-timeunitdecl
- Matches 'timeunit' time_literal [ '/' time_literal ] ';' .
- Vl-parse-timeprecisiondecl
- Matches 'timeprecision' time_literal ';' .