Main loop for the preprocessor.
(vl-preprocess-loop echars n ppst state) → (mv successp remainder ppst state)
We accumulate the transformed characters that are to be given to the lexer into acc, in reverse order.
(defun vl-preprocess-loop (echars n ppst state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (ppst state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-echarlist-p echars) (natp n)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-preprocess-loop)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((echars (vl-echarlist-fix echars)) ((when (atom echars)) (mv t echars ppst state)) (echar1 (car echars)) (char1 (vl-echar->char echar1)) ((when (zp n)) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: ran out of steps. Macro expansion or file ~ inclusion loop?" :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1))))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) ((when (eql char1 #\")) (b* (((mv string prefix remainder) (vl-read-string echars (vl-lexstate-init (vl-ppst->config)))) ((unless string) (mv nil echars ppst state)) (ppst (vl-ppst-maybe-write prefix))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (eql char1 #\\)) (b* (((mv name prefix remainder) (vl-read-escaped-identifier echars)) ((unless name) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: stray backslash?" :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1))))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (ppst (vl-ppst-maybe-write prefix))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (acl2::and** (eql char1 #\/) (consp (cdr echars)) (eql (vl-echar->char (second echars)) #\/))) (if (vl-matches-string-p "@VL" (cddr echars)) (b* (((mv atts-text remainder) (vl-atvl-atts-text echars)) (atts (append (vl-echarlist-from-str "(*") atts-text (vl-echarlist-from-str "*)")))) (vl-preprocess-loop (append atts remainder) (- n 1) ppst state)) (b* (((mv & prefix remainder) (vl-read-until-literal *nls* (cddr echars))) ((when (vl-matches-string-p "+VL" prefix)) (vl-preprocess-loop (append (rest-n 3 prefix) remainder) (- n 1) ppst state)) (prefix (list* (first echars) (second echars) prefix)) (ppst (vl-ppst-maybe-write prefix))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state)))) ((when (acl2::and** (eql char1 #\/) (consp (cdr echars)) (eql (vl-echar->char (second echars)) #\*))) (b* (((mv successp prefix remainder) (vl-read-through-literal "*/" (cddr echars))) ((unless successp) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: block comment is never closed." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1))))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) ((when (vl-matches-string-p "+VL" prefix)) (b* ((body (butlast (rest-n 3 prefix) 2))) (vl-preprocess-loop (append body remainder) (- n 1) ppst state))) ((when (vl-matches-string-p "@VL" prefix)) (b* ((body (append (vl-echarlist-from-str "(*") (butlast (rest-n 3 prefix) 2) (vl-echarlist-from-str "*)")))) (vl-preprocess-loop (append body remainder) (- n 1) ppst state))) (prefix (list* (first echars) (second echars) prefix)) (ppst (vl-ppst-maybe-write prefix))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((unless (eql char1 #\`)) (b* ((ppst (vl-ppst-maybe-write1 (car echars)))) (vl-preprocess-loop (cdr echars) n ppst state))) ((mv & remainder) (vl-read-while-whitespace (cdr echars))) ((mv directive prefix remainder) (vl-read-identifier remainder)) ((unless directive) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: stray ` character." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1))))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) ((unless (vl-is-compiler-directive-p directive)) (b* ((activep (vl-ppst->activep)) (ppst (vl-ppst-record-def-use directive (make-vl-def-context :activep activep :loc (vl-echar->loc echar1)))) ((unless (vl-ppst->activep)) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state)) ((mv successp expansion ppst) (vl-expand-define directive remainder (vl-echar->loc echar1) ppst)) ((unless successp) (mv nil expansion ppst state))) (vl-preprocess-loop expansion (- n 1) ppst state))) ((when (eql (vl-echar->char (car prefix)) #\\)) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: we do not allow the use of \\~s1." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1) directive)))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) ((when (acl2::or** (equal directive "define") (equal directive "centaur_define"))) (b* (((mv successp remainder ppst) (vl-process-define (vl-echar->loc echar1) remainder ppst)) ((unless successp) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (equal directive "undef")) (b* (((mv successp remainder ppst) (vl-process-undef (vl-echar->loc echar1) remainder ppst)) ((unless successp) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (acl2::or** (equal directive "ifdef") (equal directive "ifndef") (equal directive "elsif"))) (b* (((mv successp remainder ppst) (vl-process-ifdef (vl-echar->loc echar1) directive remainder ppst)) ((unless successp) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (equal directive "else")) (b* (((mv successp ppst) (vl-process-else (vl-echar->loc echar1) ppst)) ((unless successp) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (equal directive "endif")) (b* (((mv successp ppst) (vl-process-endif (vl-echar->loc echar1) remainder ppst)) ((unless successp) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (equal directive "include")) (b* (((unless (vl-ppst->activep)) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state)) ((mv & include-line rest-of-file) (vl-read-until-literal *nls* remainder)) (saved (vl-save-ppst)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-acc nil)) ((mv okp ?include-line-remainder ppst state) (vl-preprocess-loop include-line (- n 1) ppst state)) ((vl-saved-ppst post) (vl-save-ppst)) (ppst (vl-restore-ppst saved)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-defines post.defines)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-filemap post.filemap)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-iskips post.iskips)) ((unless okp) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: failed to preprocess rest of `include line: ~s1." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1) include-line)))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) ((vl-loadconfig config) (vl-ppst->config)) ((mv filename & rest-of-line ppst) (vl-read-include (rev post.acc) ppst)) ((unless filename) (mv nil echars ppst state)) ((mv realfile state) (time$ (vl-find-file filename (vl-ppst->idcache) state) :msg "~s0: (find ~s1: ~st sec, ~sa bytes)~%" :args (list (vl-ppst-pad) filename) :mintime config.mintime)) ((unless realfile) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: unable to find ~s1. The include ~ directories are ~&2." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1) filename config.include-dirs)))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (controller (vl-includeskips-controller-lookup realfile (vl-ppst->iskips))) ((when (acl2::and** controller (consp (vl-find-define controller (vl-ppst->defines))))) (b* ((iskips (vl-includeskips-record-hit realfile (vl-echar->loc echar1) (vl-ppst->iskips))) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-iskips iskips))) (cw-unformatted (cat (vl-ppst-pad) " (skip " realfile ")" *nls*)) (vl-preprocess-loop rest-of-file (- n 1) ppst state))) (ppst (vl-maybe-ppst-warn :when controller :type :vl-warn-include-guard :msg "~a0: multiple include optimization failure: the ~ controlling define ~s1 is not currently ~ defined, so we will have to re-include ~s2." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1) controller realfile))) (current-includes (vl-ppst->includes)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-includes (cons realfile current-includes))) (pad (vl-ppst-pad)) (- (cw-unformatted (cat pad realfile *nls*))) ((mv okp contents len state) (time$ (vl-read-file (string-fix realfile)) :msg "~s0 (read: ~st sec, ~sa bytes)~%" :args (list pad) :mintime config.mintime)) ((unless okp) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: unable to read ~s1." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1) realfile)))) (mv nil echars ppst state))) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-bytes (+ (vl-ppst->bytes) len))) (ppst (vl-maybe-update-filemap realfile contents ppst)) (ppst (b* ((iskips (vl-includeskips-record-miss realfile (vl-echar->loc echar1) len (vl-ppst->iskips)))) (vl-ppst-update-iskips iskips))) ((mv contents ppst) (vl-multiple-include-begin realfile contents ppst)) ((mv okp remainder ppst state) (vl-preprocess-loop contents (- n 1) ppst state)) ((unless okp) (mv okp remainder ppst state)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-includes current-includes)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-acc (revappend rest-of-line (vl-ppst->acc))))) (vl-preprocess-loop rest-of-file (- n 1) ppst state))) ((when (equal directive "timescale")) (b* ((ppst (vl-ppst-maybe-write (cons echar1 prefix)))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (equal directive "__FILE__")) (b* (((unless (vl-ppst->activep)) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state)) ((vl-location loc) (vl-echar->loc echar1)) (quoted-escaped-filename-str (vl-filename-to-string-literal loc.filename)) (quoted-escaped-filename-echars (vl-change-echarlist-locations (vl-echarlist-from-str quoted-escaped-filename-str) loc)) (ppst (vl-ppst-write quoted-escaped-filename-echars))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (equal directive "__LINE__")) (b* (((unless (vl-ppst->activep)) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state)) ((vl-location loc) (vl-echar->loc echar1)) (line-str (natstr loc.line)) (line-echars (vl-change-echarlist-locations (vl-echarlist-from-str line-str) loc)) (ppst (vl-ppst-write line-echars))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) ((when (acl2::or** (equal directive "celldefine") (equal directive "endcelldefine") (equal directive "resetall") (equal directive "protect") (equal directive "endprotect"))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state)) ((when (and (equal directive "default_nettype") (not (vl-ppst->activep)))) (b* (((mv & ?prefix remainder) (vl-read-until-literal *nls* remainder))) (vl-preprocess-loop remainder n ppst state))) (ppst (vl-ppst-fatal :msg "~a0: we do not support `~s1." :args (list (vl-echar->loc echar1) directive)))) (mv nil echars ppst state))))
(defthm booleanp-of-vl-preprocess-loop.successp (b* (((mv ?successp ?remainder ?ppst acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-loop echars n ppst state))) (booleanp successp)) :rule-classes :type-prescription)
(defthm vl-echarlist-p-of-vl-preprocess-loop.remainder (b* (((mv ?successp ?remainder ?ppst acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-loop echars n ppst state))) (vl-echarlist-p remainder)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm state-p1-of-vl-preprocess-loop (implies (force (state-p1 state)) (b* (((mv ?successp ?echars ?ppst state) (vl-preprocess-loop echars n ppst state))) (state-p1 state))))