A record of which files we have already included that have ``proper''
include guards and may not need to be included again.
Header files often have the form
`ifndef included_foo
`define included_foo
Or equivalently (and possibly common in legacy code since historically
ifndef wasn't supported by some tools):
`ifdef included_foo
`define included_foo
In the typical case where included_foo never gets undefined, it is good
for performance to completely skip subsequent includes of such files.
To accomplish this, we maintain an includeskips alist, which is
a (fast) alist binding pathnames of files that we have `included so far to
vl-iskipinfos that contain the names of their controlling define, e.g.,
included_foo (and some additional information).
These controlling defines should only be added to the includeskips when
we determine that they have the proper form. Later, when we encounter a new
`include, we can check whether the file is in the includeskips and,
if so, whether its controlling define is still `defined. If so, we can
avoid the pointless work of re-opening the file, re-reading its characters, and
re-preprocessing them, because we know that after expanding the ifdefs,
the file will make no contribution to the post-preprocessed text we are
To identify files that match the proper form, when we open a file due to an
`include, we check whether the file begins with one of the above,
``proper'' include-guard formats; see vl-multiple-include-begin. This
identification is pretty efficient: we only have to scan initial comments,
whitespace, and a few tokens. If we find a proper include-guard start, we push
a special vl-iframe, corresponding to the ifndef included_foo.
This iframe is marked as multiple-include candidate whose controller is
included_foo. We then skip until just before the `define and resume
We have to be careful, as we process the body of the included file, to be
sure to remove this marking if we ever encounter an `else or `elseif
that's part of the special top-level `ifndef. This is done in vl-process-ifdef and vl-process-else.
When we finally get to the `endif, we notice in vl-process-endif
that we have a special frame. If so, we know that (1) the start of the file
begins with a suitable ifndef/define pair and (2) there have been no
`else or `elseif directives attached with this pair along the way.
So, the only thing left to check is that the remainder of the file consists of
nothing but whitespace and comments, which is easy and efficient. If so, we're
set: the file has the desired form, so we add it to the includeskips
- Vl-includeskips-p
- Recognizer for vl-includeskips.
- Vl-includeskips-fix
- (vl-includeskips-fix x) is an fty alist fixing function that follows the fix-keys strategy.
- Vl-iskipinfo
- Information about the multiple-include status of an individual file.
- Vl-match-proper-header-file-start-2
- Match the start of a ``proper'' ifdef-controlled header file.
- Vl-match-proper-header-file-start-1
- Match the start of a ``proper'' ifndef-controlled header file.
- Vl-multiple-include-begin
- Check a file for a proper include-guard header; if so, install a
special iframe and skip past the initial ifndef part, otherwise
leave the file alone.
- Vl-includeskips-equiv
- Basic equivalence relation for vl-includeskips structures.
- Vl-includeskips-record-miss
- Record that a file is not being skipped due to multiple include optimization.
- Vl-includeskips-install-controller
- Install the controlling define into the vl-includeskips.
This should be done when the final `endif is encountered
and determined to be ok.
- Vl-includeskips-record-hit
- Record that a file is being successfully skipped due to multiple include optimization.
- Vl-skip-whitespace/comments
- For use in vl-includeskips, just skip past any whitespace and