Finding the source of a term in prover output
When a proof attempt fails, a good first step is typically to look
at checkpoints; see the-method. That step is often sufficient.
But occasionally a checkpoint contains an undesirable term whose source is a
mystery, and it may be useful to find the origin of that term.
With-brr-data is a utility that collects such data that can be queried by
various utilities, for example as follows.
; Collect brr-data when attempting the indicated proof:
(with-brr-data (thm (equal (append x y) (append y x))))
; Show a path leading to a rewrite result that contains
; (append y (cdr x)) as a subterm:
(cw-gstack-for-subterm (append y (cdr x)))
; Same as above, except enter a loop to query for additional such results:
(cw-gstack-for-subterm* (append y (cdr x)))
The rest of this documentation topic is structured as follows. It may
suffice to read only the first two sections.
- Introduction
- Connections with break-rewrite
- General form of with-brr-data calls
- General forms of queries
- Keyword arguments of with-brr-data (optional)
- Low-level details (optional)
- Using attachments to modify functionality of with-brr-data
(With-brr-data form) evaluates form while collecting data on rule
application — often rewrite and definition rules, but also
linear and rewrite-quoted-constant rules. Query utilities allow
one to search the collected data for a specified result of a rule application
and print a stack of operations leading to that result. The name
“brr” is suggestive of the break-rewrite utility, which
shares some aspects with the with-brr-data utility: in particular, the
:path+ command of break-rewrite shows a stack of operations in the same
way as the query utilities for with-brr-data. The next section,
“Connection with break-rewrite”, further explores the
relationship between break-rewrite and with-brr-data.
The collection of break-rewrite data can slow down the theorem prover, but
the slowdown will probably be modest, perhaps adding an extra 15% or so to the
We turn now to examples that illustrate how with-brr-data works with
associated query utilities. These examples are intended to make it clear how
to use these utilities, but further information is provided in later sections
for those who are interested. Note that each of these examples attempts to
prove a non-theorem; they are chosen simply to illustrate tool usage.
Example Set 1
Our first illustration of with-brr-data and associated query utilities
uses the following (non-theorem) example, mentioned earlier.
(with-brr-data (thm (equal (append x y) (append y x))))
ACL2 produces the following checkpoints, exactly as though the thm
call were evaluated without the surrounding call of with-brr-data.
(The optional section on “Low-level details” discusses the
“ACL2 Observation:” printed at the end by with-brr-data.)
*** Key checkpoint at the top level: ***
*** Key checkpoints under a top-level induction
before generating a goal of NIL (see :DOC nil-goal): ***
Subgoal *1/2''
Subgoal *1/1''
ACL2 Error [Failure] in ( THM ...): See :DOC failure.
******** FAILED ********
ACL2 Observation: (LENGTH (@ BRR-DATA-LST)) = 16
ACL2 !>
Consider the term (APPEND Y (CDR X)) occurring in one of these
checkpoints. It might not be clear, at least at first glance, how this term
came about during the proof. We can find at least one source of that term by
issuing the cw-gstack-for-subterm query shown below, which searches
“top-level” rewrites — those not invoked when relieving
hypotheses of rules — for a result that contains the given term, in this
case (append y (cdr x)), as a subterm. The output is similar to the
output of the utility, cw-gstack, followed by the result of the
bottom-most rewriter call, which contains the given term as a subterm. (See
term for discussion of “translated” and
“untranslated” terms.)
ACL2 !>(cw-gstack-for-subterm (append y (cdr x)))
1. Simplifying the clause
2. Rewriting (to simplify) the atom of the third literal,
3. Rewriting (to simplify) the first argument,
4. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION BINARY-APPEND) to
The resulting (translated) term is
ACL2 !>
One might realize that (BINARY-APPEND Y (CDR X)) comes about from
expanding (BINARY-APPEND X Y) to expose the term (BINARY-APPEND (CDR
X) Y) and then using the inductive hypothesis to swap the arguments. In
that case, the mystery of the term's appearance is solved! But if that isn't
clear, one at least has the clue from Frame 4 above that the term is produced
by applying the definition of binary-append. With that information
one can issue a monitor! command as follows.
:monitor! (:definition binary-append)
(equal (brr@ :target) '(binary-append x y))
We now issue the thm call above, with or without the wrapper of
with-brr-data. After breaking twice (see break-rewrite) and
proceeding with :go to find two failed attempts to use the definition of
binary-append, we explore at the third break as follows.
1 ACL2 >:type-alist
Decoded type-alist:
Terms with type *TS-T*:
Terms with type *TS-CONS*:
Use (GET-BRR-LOCAL 'TYPE-ALIST STATE) to see actual type-alist.
1 ACL2 >:target
1 ACL2 >:eval
1 ACL2 >
The log above shows how the term (BINARY-APPEND Y (CDR X)) was
produced: the definition of binary-append was expanded on the term
(BINARY-APPEND X Y), and the inductive hypothesis — represented in
the :type-alist command's output — is applied to swap the resulting
We can find more sources of the same term by using the “*”
version of the cw-gstack-for-subterm command as follows. By repeatedly
responding with “y” to the query presented by the system, we
find three additional paths leading to the desired subterm.
(cw-gstack-for-subterm* (append y (cdr x)))
While cw-gstack-for-subterm and cw-gstack-for-subterm* may be the
most useful queries in general, one may wish to search for paths leading to
exactly a given term rather than paths to a term containing that
term (as above). The queries cw-gstack-for-term and
cw-gstack-for-term* may be used for this purpose, for example as
(cw-gstack-for-term (append y (cdr x)))
(cw-gstack-for-term* (append y (cdr x)))
Finally, these queries support searching for instances of a term or
subterm, by supplying a “term” of the form (:free (v1 ... vn)
u) where v1 through vn are distinct variables and u is a
term. Each of the following produces the path shown above.
(cw-gstack-for-term (:free (u v) (cons u v)))
(cw-gstack-for-term* (:free (u v) (cons u v)))
Notice that the use of this :free construct allows one to search for
the source of a call of any function symbol f, as with cons above.
If f has k formals, then one can supply the argument (:free (x1
... xk) (f x1 ... xk)) to find a rewriter call that produces a call of
Example Set 2
Consider the following (admittedly contrived) example.
(defstub f0 (x) t)
(defun f1 (x)
(cons x x))
(defun f2 (x)
(f1 (f0 x)))
(defun f3 (x)
(if (atom x)
(f2 x)
(f2 (car x))))
(thm (equal (f3 x)
The call of thm produces the following checkpoint.
(EQUAL (CONS (F0 (CAR X)) (F0 (CAR X)))
In this simple example it's easy to figure out how the term (F0 (CAR
X)) was produced. But suppose we were surprised to see that term. We might
issue the following query but be disappointed in the result.
ACL2 !>(cw-gstack-for-term (F0 (CAR X)))
There are no results.
ACL2 !>
To see why there are no results, recall that with-brr-data collects
data from rule applications. However, no rule produced the term (F0 (CAR
X)). This becomes clear if we issue a query that looks for that term as a
subterm of a rule application's result.
ACL2 !>(cw-gstack-for-subterm (F0 (CAR X)))
1. Simplifying the clause
((EQUAL (F3 X) YYY))
2. Rewriting (to simplify) the atom of the first literal,
3. Rewriting (to simplify) the first argument,
(F3 X),
4. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION F3) to
(F3 X)
5. Rewriting (to simplify) the body,
(IF (CONSP X) (F2 (CAR X)) (F2 X)),
under the substitution
X : X
6. Rewriting (to simplify) the second argument,
(F2 (CAR X)),
under the substitution
X : X
7. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION F2) to
(F2 (CAR X))
8. Rewriting (to simplify) the rhs of the conclusion,
(F1 (F0 X)),
under the substitution
X : (CAR X)
9. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION F1) to
(F1 (F0 (CAR X)))
The resulting (translated) term is
(CONS (F0 (CAR X)) (F0 (CAR X))).
Note: The first lemma application above that provides a suitable result
is at frame 4, and that result is
(CONS (F0 (CAR X)) (F0 (CAR X)))
(CONS (F0 X) (F0 X))).
ACL2 !>
We see that the term (FO (CAR X)) is not itself the result of a rule
application. This example illustrates that one may often get better results
using cw-gstack-for-subterm rather than cw-gstack-for-term.
It is also interesting to look at the “Note” printed at the
end. The query utilities search for the first rule application that produced
a suitable result, and then they search from that point for a maximally deeper
rule application that produced a suitable result. In this case, the first
rule that produced a term containing (FO (CAR X)) is shown in the frame
at position 4, as per the Note. The rule at frame 9 also produced such a
term (though a different one than at frame 4), and there was no deeper such
rule application — that is, from the time the definition at frame 9 was
applied till the time its body was fully rewritten, no rule produced a term
containing (FO (CAR X)). (This notion of “deeper” is
discussed at some length in the section below on “General forms of
Next we'll explore a limitation of these tools and how to get around
it. We start as follows (following the definitions above).
(thm (equal (append (f3 x) y)
:hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable append)))))
This proof attempt results in the following checkpoint.
The following log may be surprising, especially since the indicated term
need only be a subterm of a rewriter result, and we see this exact term in the
checkpoint above!
ACL2 !>(cw-gstack-for-subterm (APPEND (CONS (F0 (CAR X)) (F0 (CAR X))) Y))
There are no results.
ACL2 !>
A solution is to choose a subterm of that input term, as shown in the log
below. The resulting output shows why the query above yielded no results:
frame 6 below shows that the first argument, (F3 X), of
binary-append (see frame 3 below) generates a call of IF, so the
rewrite at frame 3 will generate a term of the form (BINARY-APPEND (IF ...)
...), not of the form (BINARY-APPEND (CONS ...) ...).
ACL2 !>(cw-gstack-for-subterm (cons (f0 (car x)) (f0 (car x))))
1. Simplifying the clause
2. Rewriting (to simplify) the atom of the first literal,
3. Rewriting (to simplify) the first argument,
4. Rewriting (to simplify) the first argument,
(F3 X),
5. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION F3) to
(F3 X)
6. Rewriting (to simplify) the body,
(IF (CONSP X) (F2 (CAR X)) (F2 X)),
under the substitution
X : X
7. Rewriting (to simplify) the second argument,
(F2 (CAR X)),
under the substitution
X : X
8. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION F2) to
(F2 (CAR X))
9. Rewriting (to simplify) the rhs of the conclusion,
(F1 (F0 X)),
under the substitution
X : (CAR X)
10. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION F1) to
(F1 (F0 (CAR X)))
The resulting (translated) term is
(CONS (F0 (CAR X)) (F0 (CAR X))).
Note: The first lemma application above that provides a suitable result
is at frame 5, and that result is
(CONS (F0 (CAR X)) (F0 (CAR X)))
(CONS (F0 X) (F0 X))).
ACL2 !>
The careful reader may notice another reason that the append call does
not yield a match: no such call is the result of a rewriter call.
The moral of this story is that if a term fails to give you a match, then
use a subterm of it. You can also use the :free construct mentioned
above, for example as follows — this gives the same output as shown in
the log just above.
(cw-gstack-for-subterm (:free (v) (cons (f0 v) (f0 v))))
Connections with break-rewrite
We noted above that after running with-brr-data, the stacks (paths)
displayed by query commands such as cw-gstack-for-term are the same as
the stacks displayed by the break-rewrite command, :path+.
But there are these additional connections between with-brr-data and
the break-rewrite utility.
- The same rewriting processes are considered by with-brr-data as by
break-rewrite; in particular, abbreviation rules are not considered during
preprocessing (see monitor).
- When a query command (cw-gstack-for-term etc.) finds a match with a
rewriting result, it discards the result if the input — the
:target, in the parlance of break-rewrite — contains that
- Monitored runes are indeed monitored during evaluation of a
call of with-brr-data, even if break-rewrite has not been enabled
globally (using :brr or monitor!). If this is not
desired, then unmonitor runes before calling with-brr-data.
- There is the following low-level way to collect brr-data for queries such
as cw-gstack-for-term without calling with-brr-data: (assign
gstack :brr-data). But you may want to clear such data afterwards, which
you can do by evaluating the form, (clear-brr-data-lst). Otherwise the
brr-data from later proof attempts will be combined, probably in unexpected
ways, with brr-data from earlier proof attempts.
- With-brr-data and its queries pay no attention to
“near-miss” breaks (see break-rewrite for discussion of
these breaks).
The first item above is worth emphasizing. Consider the following
(include-book "std/lists/rev" :dir :system)
(thm (implies (and (natp n)
(< n (len x)))
(equal (nth n (revappend x y))
(nth n (reverse x))))
:hints (("Goal" :do-not '(preprocess)))))
(cw-gstack-for-subterm (APPEND (REV X) Y))
The cw-gstack-for-subterm query yields a result in this example, but
not if we change it to remove the :hints. If we use :pso on the proof attempt without the :hints, we notice that the
requested subterm was introduced by “the simple :rewrite rule
REVAPPEND-REMOVAL”; here “simple” indicates the use of the
preprocess process for simplification, which avoids the usual rewriter.
If we instead query the no-hints version with (cw-gstack-for-subterm (REV
X)), the output below shows that a chain of rewrites generates
(APPEND (REV X) Y) as an intermediate term but not as the result of a
ACL2 !>(cw-gstack-for-subterm (REV X))
1. Simplifying the clause
(< N '0)
(NOT (< N (LEN X)))
2. Rewriting (to simplify) the atom of the fourth literal,
3. Rewriting (to simplify) the second argument,
4. Rewriting (to simplify) the second argument,
5. Attempting to apply (:DEFINITION REVERSE) to
6. Rewriting (to simplify) the body,
under the substitution
X : X
7. Rewriting (to simplify) the third argument,
under the substitution
X : X
8. Attempting to apply (:REWRITE REVAPPEND-REMOVAL) to
9. Rewriting (to simplify) the rhs of the conclusion,
under the substitution
Y : 'NIL
X : X
10. Attempting to apply (:REWRITE APPEND-ATOM-UNDER-LIST-EQUIV) to
The resulting (translated) term is
(REV X).
Note: The first lemma application above that provides a suitable result
is at frame 5, and that result is
(REV X)).
ACL2 !>
The version of this example without :hints also illustrates the second
item above, about discarding matches that occur in the :target of
rewriting. Without that restriction we would see a result for the query
(cw-gstack-for-subterm (APPEND (REV X) Y)) from an attempt to rewrite the
term (NTH N (APPEND (REV X) Y)). But that would not help us to find the
source of the term (APPEND (REV X) Y).
General form of with-brr-data calls
The general form, including optional keyword arguments, is
(with-brr-data form :global-var var :brr-data-returned bool)
where form is typically an event but is only required to evaluate to
an error-triple. By default (i.e., when the keyword arguments are
omitted), that error triple is returned by the with-brr-data call.
There is probably little reason for most users to supply either keyword
argument. They are documented in the section after next.
- The data collected by a call of with-brr-data will persist until
the next call of with-brr-data.
- Behavior is undefined for nested calls of with-brr-data. (If this
presents a problem then you may ask the ACL2 implementors to consider
specifying that behavior.)
General forms of queries
The four queries (all illustrated above) are as follows, where the keyword
argument is optional.
(cw-gstack-for-subterm u :global-var var)
(cw-gstack-for-subterm* u :global-var var)
(cw-gstack-for-term u :global-var var)
(cw-gstack-for-term* u :global-var var)
In each case, u is either a term (which can be a user-level term,
i.e., not necessarily translated; see term) or of the form (:free
(v1 ... vk) u1) where u1 is a term. In the latter case, v1
through vk must be distinct variables that all occur in (the translation
of) u1.
These queries are effective after data collection using with-brr-data,
which is typically wrapped around an event that calls the theorem prover. To
understand how the queries work, it is useful to view a proof attempt as
generating “initial” calls of the rewriter, such as when rewriting
a hypothesis or the conclusion of a goal (technically, a literal of the goal
clause; see clause): that is, initial rewriter calls are those that are
not under another rewriter call. Then data collection under each initial call
creates a tree of “top-level” calls — those not made under
an attempt to relieve a hypothesis — for which that initial call is the
root. Thus each node of that tree corresponds to a rewriter call, and each
child of that node is a top-level call of the rewriter that is immediately
under that call, where the order of calls is respected by the ordering of
child nodes from left to right. For example, the top-level application a
rewrite rule corresponds to a node, and the call to rewrite the right-hand
side of the rule (with appropriate variable bindings) corresponds to a child
of that node. Another example is when an attempt to rewrite a function call
leads to an attempt to rewrite an argument of that call: the latter
corresponds to a child node of the former. Each of the four query utilities
looks for the first root node, and the left-most branch under that node, that
results in a rewriter result that “matches” the input in the
following sense.
This notion of “matches” depends on the call, as follows.
First assume that the input is a term. For cw-gstack-for-subterm and
cw-gstack-for-subterm*, the result matches when it contains the given
term as a subterm. For cw-gstack-for-term and cw-gstack-for-term*,
the result matches when it is exactly the given term. Now suppose the input
is (:free (v1 ... vk) u). Then the notion of “matches” is
modified to allow any instance u/s for a substitution s that
instantiates only the variables vi.
When a matching node N1 is found for the input term, or in the case of
(:free (v1 ... vk) u), some instance of u, then a further search
below N is made to find a maximal left-most branch below it that
terminates in a node N2 that also matches, using the same substitution in
the case of :free. If no such branch is found, then N2 is N.
Either way, the term or instance that matched at N (as a subterm in the
case of cw-gstack-for-subterm or cw-gstack-for-subterm*, else as an
exact match) also matches at N2. The output then shows a path to
N2, but if N1 and N2 differ then the output also notes that the
first match was at N1, as we have seen in each “Note” at the
end of logs displayed above.
The discussion above characterizes the behavior of
cw-gstack-for-subterm and cw-gstack-for-term; now let us consider
cw-gstack-for-subterm* and cw-gstack-for-term*. These
“*” versions query after each result to ask if another result
is desired. If so, the search starts strictly after N; it does not look
for a second successor N2 of N. The search continues until either
the user answers n (regardless of the package; the query cares only that
the symbol-name is "Y" or "N") or there are no more
Keyword arguments of with-brr-data (optional)
As noted above, the general form of a call of with-brr-data is as
(with-brr-data form :global-var var :brr-data-returned bool)
The keywords have aspects that are quite technical, so unless you are
somewhat familiar with ACL2 implementation issues you will probably want to
skip this section.
Neither keyword argument is evaluated. The behavior of the keyword
arguments depends on a list, BDL (“Brr-Data List”), that is
typically made available by a call of with-brr-data, as described below.
The members of BDL represent successful initial calls of the rewriter, in
order. Each of those members is a brr-data record, as described in the
next section. After the with-brr-data call returns, then (mv nil BDL
state) is returned by evaluation of (brr-data-lst state), until the
next time that either a call of with-brr-data or the form
(clear-brr-data-lst) is evaluated. Implementation notes: information is
stored in the brr-data wormhole; (brr-data-lst state)
extracts that information and reorders appropriately before producing
BDL; and (clear-brr-data-lst) removes that information from the
brr-data wormhole.
We now explain the keyword arguments in terms of the list BDL.
- :global-var var
The symbol var defaults to the symbol, brr-data-lst. Var is
either nil or a state global variable (see programming-with-state), which by default is brr-data-lst. If var
is not nil, then the with-brr-data call modifies state by
setting the value of the state global, var, to BDL.
- :brr-data-returned bool
Suppose that the form argument of the with-brr-data call evaluates
to (mv erp val state). Then when bool is nil (which is the
default), the with-brr-data call returns that same error-triple,
(mv erp val state). If however bool is not nil, then instead
the with-brr-data call returns (mv erp BDL state).
Low-level details (optional)
This implementation-level section further describes the brr-data
structure mentioned above. It is probably of interest only to those who
consider writing their own tools to query the data produced by
A brr-data record is a structure that has a field :brr-data-1
representing information from entry into the rewriter, a field
:brr-data-2 representing information from the corresponding exit from the
rewriter, and a field :completed that is the list of brr-data
records produced between that entry and exit, in order. (Implementation
detail: these are produced inside the brr-data wormhole by the
same functions, brkpt1 and brkpt2, that implement the break-rewrite utility.)
(defrec brr-data
(pre post . completed)
(defrec brr-data-1
(((lemma . target) . (unify-subst type-alist . geneqv))
((pot-list . ancestors) . (rcnst initial-ttree . gstack)))
(defrec brr-data-2
((failure-reason unify-subst . brr-result)
(rcnst final-ttree . gstack))
The brr-data definition introduces a recursive data type (as per ACL2
source function brr-data-p, since the :completed field is a list of
brr-data records. These correspond to immediate sub-calls of the
rewriter, yielding “child nodes” as described in the section,
“General forms of queries”.
We have seen above that the use of with-brr-data activates the
collection of break-rewrite data. Collection may also be activated by
assigning the state global, gstackp, to the value :brr-data.
(See programming-with-state for relevant programming background.) You
can use :trans1 on a with-brr-data call to see how
with-brr-data sets gstackp. Note that setting (or binding)
gstackp to :brr-data has the effect of :brr t but
enhanced with collection of brr-data records. When gstackp has
value :brr-data, :brr t is treated as a no-op and :brr nil is
an error, to avoid inadvertently turning off brr-data record collection.
Note that although with-brr-data is disallowed in ACL2(p) (see parallelism) when waterfall-parallelism is enabled, this prohibition
can be circumvented by assigning gstackp to :brr-data; however, in
that case with-brr-data might well not behave correctly.
The programmer who manipulates brr-data records may wish to look at
the ACL2 source code and the break-rewrite documentation to understand
the fields of the brr-data-1 and brr-data-2 records. The form
(brr-data-listp t lst) recognizes a list of well-formed brr-data
records. The :failure-reason field of the brr-data-2 record may be
of particular interest; see ACL2 source function
tilde-@-failure-reason-phrase1 for the forms that this field may
It is easy to see the list of brr-data records created by a call of
with-brr-data. A big hint is given in the output printed at the
completion of a with-brr-data call, as suggested in the first example in
the introduction, with the following output.
ACL2 Observation: (LENGTH (@ BRR-DATA-LST)) = 16
The form (@ BRR-DATA-LST) evaluates to the resulting list of
brr-data records, one for each so-called “initial call” of
the rewriter, in the sense described in the section above on “Keyword
arguments”. The utility show-brr-data-lst can be applied to such a
list to show the most interesting parts of each record, for example,
(show-brr-data-lst (@ brr-data-lst)). Also you can call the utility
show-brr-data on a single brr-data record.
Using attachments to modify functionality of with-brr-data
The behavior of with-brr-data is customizable by using attachments
(see defattach). The macro, set-brr-data-attachments, has been
provided for this purpose. This section provides only minimal documentation
on this customizability; those who want to implement new such attachments can
look at the following examples in the community-books to get a sense of
how that might be done. Note that the query utilities work the same
regardless of the attachments, and the relevant data structures are also
When the macro is called with no arguments, i.e.,
(set-brr-data-attachments), behavior is restored to the built-in behavior
as described above. But this macro can be given an argument that indicates a
string: it is either a string or a symbol, where a symbol indicates its symbol-name. The indicated string, which we write below as "<S>", is
added as a suffix after a hyphen to create four system attachments. These are
defattach calls rather than defattach-system calls, so that
their effect is not local to the enclosing book.
(defattach (brkpt1-brr-data-entry brkpt1-brr-data-entry-<S> :system-ok t)
(defattach (brkpt2-brr-data-entry brkpt2-brr-data-entry-<S> :system-ok t)
(defattach (update-brr-data-1 update-brr-data-1-<S>) :system-ok t)
(defattach (update-brr-data-2 update-brr-data-2-<S>) :system-ok t)
The four "-<S>" functions must be defined to match the signatures of
the functions to which they are attached. Those functions have the following
arguments and results, where * indicates an ordinary (non-stobj)
(brkpt1-brr-data-entry ancestors gstack rcnst state) => *
(brkpt2-brr-data-entry ancestors gstack rcnst state) => *
(update-brr-data-1 lemma target unify-subst type-alist ancestors
initial-ttree gstack rcnst pot-lst whs-data) => *
(update-brr-data-2 wonp failure-reason unify-subst gstack brr-result
final-ttree rcnst ancestors whs-data) => *
Note that (set-brr-data-attachments) is actually equivalent to
(set-brr-data-attachments builtin). That is, the initial (built-in)
attachments to the functions above all have the suffix,