Display of XDOC tags at the terminal or in ACL2::ACL2-doc
For relevant background see markup. This topic discusses
the display of certain XDOC tags when using either the :doc command
at the terminal or the ACL2::ACL2-doc browser for Emacs. We begin with
a brief summary that should suffice for most users, followed by basic
information about three ways to display marked-up text, and concluding with
design notes followed by further information including additional options
provided by building text-based manuals.
The following tags, which we call “font tags”, indicate a
desired font; see markup.
- <b>bold</b>
- <i>italics</i>
- <em>emphasis</em>
- <u>underline</u>
- <tt>typewriter text</tt>
Note that the XDOC preprocessor replaces @('{some text}')
with <v>{some text}</v>, which is treated as described here for
<tt>{some text}</tt>.
By default, the :doc command at the terminal and the ACL2-Doc browser
attempt to handle font tags as indicated above. (There can be variations
depending on your platform; for example, sometimes text to be italicized is
displayed with underlining.) The next section discusses ways to modify that
that behavior without having to rebuild the manuals; then we discuss rebuilding
the manuals.
Three ways to display marked-up text
The behaviors of the font tags correspond to the legal values of environment
variable "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS", as follows.
- "FANCY", "", or (the default) nil, representing what is
refernced below as a “fancy environment”:
An attempt is made to
use a font that conveys the intention, as follows.
- <b>..</b>: bold text, often red or blue to help it to stand out
- <i>..</i>: italics
- <em>..</em>: italics
- <u>..</u>: underlined
- <tt>..</tt>: grey background
The font tags are handled as follows.
- <b>..</b>: Replace each of <b> and </b> by two underscores,
- <i>..</i>: Replace each of <i> and </i> by an underscore, _.
- <em>..</em>: Replace each of <em> and </em> by an underscore, _.
- <u>..</u>: Replace each of <u> and </u> by an underscore, _.
- <tt>..</tt>: Just drop <tt> and </tt>
- "PLAIN":
The font tags are all dropped; that is, the text is
printed as though the tags were not present.
As noted above, the default is a fancy environment, where the :doc
command and ACL2-Doc browser attempt to handle font tags as indicated
(italic, etc.). Technically, this is controlled by the addition of so-called
Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) control sequences when rendering the
documentation as text. Customization of this behavior depends on the following
three cases.
- For the built-in :doc command this behavior cannot be customized.
- However, behavior is fully customizable for the “modified
:doc” command, which is the :doc command provided by xdoc, for example after evaluating (include-book
"xdoc/init" :dir :system). One simply sets environment variable
"ACL2_XDOC_TAGS" according to the desired case of the three cases above.
This can be done either before starting ACL2 or else by calling setenv$
inside ACL2, e.g., (setenv$ "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS" "PLAIN").
- For ACL2-Doc the behavior is partially customizable. For a default build
of the manual (which however can be overridden as described in the next
section), one cannot get the behavior described above for "SIMPLE".
However, if you set environment variable "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS" to
"PLAIN" or "SIMPLE" in a way that is visible to Emacs, you can
eliminate the SGR control sequences so that you see plain text. One way to
accomplish this is to evaluate the form (setenv "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS"
"PLAIN") inside Emacs.
Design notes
Here we make a few observations about why font tags are handled as they
- We have seen that for a fancy environment, text within
<b>...</b> is rendered not only as bold but also as red.
That is because bold text does not often show up clearly.
- The use of ‘*’ as a delimiter is avoided because that
character so often appears in ACL2 names, in particular, in constant symbols.
Underscore, by contrast, appears much less often.
- The use of a grey background (which may technically be called
“white”, but it's really grey!) is rather common for fixed-width
code text, so it seems a good choice for the <tt> tag in a fancy
Changing the default builds of text-based manuals
The remainder of this topic can probably be ignored by most. It discusses
how to build the text-based documentation used by :doc and ACL2-Doc to
modify handling of the font tags above.
First let us review basics of how :doc, modified :doc, and
ACL2-Doc work. These all read a text-based manual that has been built by
removing all preprocessor directives and all tags, including font tags.
By default, these are built in a fancy environment (as defined above), which
inserts SGR control sequences for font tags. Terminals often intepret these
tags by displaying text using suitable fonts (italics, underline, etc.), and
this is how text is displayed by :doc. ACL2-Doc invokes Emacs utilities
to provide such fonts. We are ready to explain the restrictions above.
- The built-in :doc command simply prints out the rendered text, which
is why its behavior cannot be customized (unless perhaps one modifies the
terminal environment).
- If Emacs sees a value of environment variable "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS" of
"PLAIN" or "SIMPLE", it removes SGR control sequences from the
rendered text before displaying it as plain text. But there is no way to take
that rendered text and add markings as specified for the "SIMPLE"
On the other hand, the modified :doc command renders the original
documentation, which still has tags. That rendering is sensitive to the value
of environment variable "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS". But the items above tells us
that there is not the same flexibility for the built-in :doc command or
The only way to get such flexibility is to build text-based manuals for
:doc and ACL2-Doc that render text as desired, which requires setting
environment variable "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS" when building thse manuals. Since
:doc is based off ACL2 source file doc.lisp, which is to be modified
only by the ACL2 implementors, we focus on building the documentation for
The ACL2+books rendered manual is file
books/system/doc/rendered-doc-combined.lsp, and there is also an
“ACL2 only” manual restricted to built-in functions in file
books/system/doc/rendered-doc.lsp. These can be built with any of the
three default behaviors (fancy, simple, or plain) by setting the environment
variable "ACL2_XDOC_TAGS" before building those manuals, for example as
follows while standing in the books directory. The --acl2 and
-j options are up to the user. Note: You might need first to delete file
doc/top.cert under books/.
(export ACL2_XDOC_TAGS=FANCY ; ./build/cert.pl --acl2 acl2 doc/top)
(export ACL2_XDOC_TAGS=SIMPLE ; ./build/cert.pl --acl2 acl2 doc/top)
(export ACL2_XDOC_TAGS=PLAIN ; ./build/cert.pl --acl2 acl2 doc/top)
For example, suppose you want underscores to surround text that is marked
with <i>, so that for example “<i>italicized
text</i>” is printed as “_italicized text_”. It then
suffices to build the manual with "SIMPLE" as in the second command
displayed above, except that when using :doc at the terminal you would
first need to include the ACL2::community-book "xdoc/init" as
discussed above, so that you are using the modified :doc command.
We close by describing an implementation detail; ideally it can be ignored,
but we mention it in case someone finds it to be useful. When the manual is
built (by certifying ACL2::community-book doc/top), a file is
created, system/doc/acl2-doc-search, that is consulted by search commands
in ACL2-Doc. When that file is built in a fancy environment (which, again, is
the default), then environment variable ACL2_XDOC_TAGS is first
temporarily bound to "PLAIN" so that system/doc/acl2-doc-search
will not contain any SGR control sequences that might cause search