Skip a form when executing certify-book or include-book
The utility skip-in-book takes a single argument, which is a
form to be evaluated except during a call of certify-book or include-book. Thus, by placing an expression (skip-in-book <form>) in a
book, say foo.lisp, you are arranging that evaluation of <form> is
skipped when certifying or including foo.lisp. However, <form> will
be evaluated if you submit (skip-in-book <form>) to the top-level loop,
for example by evaluating (ld "foo.lisp").
(Technically, the criterion for skipping the form is that either some book
is being certified or (ld-skip-proofsp state) is 'include-book. The
latter holds when including a book, whether certified or not.)
To use this utility, you must both include the book in which it is defined
and then install it, as follows.
(include-book "kestrel/utilities/skip-in-book" :dir :system)
Let us consider an example in which the contents of the book foo.lisp
are as follows.
(in-package "ACL2")
(include-book "kestrel/utilities/skip-in-book" :dir :system)
(defun good-fn (x)
(cons x x))
(defun bad-fn (x)
(cons x x)))
(set-guard-checking nil))
When you certify or include this book, the last two forms will be skipped,
and thus bad-fn will not be defined and guard-checking will be unchanged.
But when you execute (ld "foo.lisp"), you will be defining bad-fn
and also you will see that guard-checking has transitioned to nil.