A library for Bitcoin.
Currently this library contains a formal model of some aspects of
It is expected that this library will be extended with more
Bitcoin-related formalizations and tools.
This library is based on the following sources:
- Bip32
- Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 32.
- Bech32
- A library for Bech32 encoding.
- Bip39
- Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 39.
- Bip44
- Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 44.
- Base58
- Base58 encoding and decoding.
- Bip43
- Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 43.
- Bytes
- Bytes.
- Base58check
- Base58Check encoding.
- Cryptography
- Cryptography in Bitcoin.
- Bip-350
- BIP-350
- Bip-173
- BIP-173