Display verified input-output pairs
See add-io-pairs for relevant background.
Show-io-pairs prints I/O pairs in a pleasant format, each starting on a
new line. It is evaluated only for its side effect of printing. See get-io-pairs for a related utility, which returns a list of evaluated I/O
Show-io-pairs displays all (verified) I/O pairs for the specified
function symbols. Normally printing goes to the terminal, but more generally
it goes to standard-co.
General Forms:
(show-io-pairs :all)
(show-io-pairs) ; same as above
(show-io-pairs fn1 ... fnk) ; k > 0
where the arguments are not evaluated. If no arguments are supplied, or
equivalently there is a single argument, :all, then all I/O pairs are to
be printed; otherwise, all I/O pairs are printed only for the specified
function symbols.
Each I/O pair is printed in the format expected as input to add-io-pairs, that is, the inputs and result are terms. In other words,
add-io-pairs prints I/O pairs, not evaluated I/O pairs (again, see add-io-pairs for relevant background). Moreover, show-io-pairs displays
the inputs and result as quoted terms, such as 'abc, even when they
result from a call of add-io-pairs in which the terms were not all
quoted, e.g., (car '(abc def)).
A warning is printed for each fni that has no associated I/O