For conditional rewriting with BDDs
The function
(defun if* (x y z) (if x y z))
As explained elsewhere (see bdd-algorithm), ACL2's bdd
algorithm gives special treatment to terms of the form
Suppose that we want to prove that
(let ((x (list x0 x1 x2 x3))) (equal (nthcdr (length x) (append x y)) y))
If we want to prove this formula with a
(length x) = (if (stringp x) (len (coerce x 'list)) (len x))
Since bdd-based rewriting is merely very simple unconditional rewriting (see bdd-algorithm), we expect to have to prove a rule reducing stringp of a cons:
(defthm stringp-cons (equal (stringp (cons x y)) nil))
Now we need a rule to compute the
(defthm len-cons (equal (len (cons a x)) (1+ (len x))))
We imagine this rule simplifying
We also need to imagine simplifying
(defthm append-cons (equal (append (cons a x) y) (cons a (append x y)))) (defthm append-nil (equal (append nil x) x))
Finally, we imagine needing to simplify calls of nthcdr, where the
first argument is a number (initially, the length of
(defthm fold-constants-in-+ (implies (and (syntaxp (quotep x)) (syntaxp (quotep y))) (equal (+ x y z) (+ (+ x y) z)))) (defthm nthcdr-add1-conditional (implies (not (zp (1+ n))) (equal (nthcdr (1+ n) x) (nthcdr n (cdr x)))))
The problem with this rule is that its hypothesis makes it a conditional
rewrite rule, and conditional rewrite rules are not used by the bdd package. (See bdd-algorithm for a discussion of ``BDD rules.'')
(Note that the hypothesis cannot simply be removed; the resulting formula
would be false for
(defthm nthcdr-add1 (equal (nthcdr (+ 1 n) x) (if* (zp (1+ n)) x (nthcdr n (cdr x)))))
How is
(thm (let ((x (list x0 x1 x2 x3))) (equal (nthcdr (length x) (append x y)) y)) :hints (("Goal" :bdd (:vars nil))))
If we execute the following form that disables the definition and executable-counterpart of the function zp
(in-theory (disable zp (zp)))
before attempting the proof of the theorem above, we can see more clearly
the point of using
ACL2 Error in ( THM ...): Unable to resolve test of IF* for term (IF* (ZP (+ 1 N)) X (NTHCDR N (CDR X))) under the bindings ((X (CONS X0 (CONS X1 (CONS X2 #)))) (N '3)) -- use SHOW-BDD to see a backtrace.
If we follow the advice above, we can see rather clearly what happened. See show-bdd.
ACL2 !>(show-bdd) BDD computation on Goal yielded 21 nodes. ------------------------------ BDD computation was aborted on Goal, and hence there is no falsifying assignment that can be constructed. Here is a backtrace of calls, starting with the top-level call and ending with the one that led to the abort. See :DOC show-bdd. (LET ((X (LIST X0 X1 X2 X3))) (EQUAL (NTHCDR (LENGTH X) (APPEND X Y)) Y)) alist: ((Y Y) (X3 X3) (X2 X2) (X1 X1) (X0 X0)) (NTHCDR (LENGTH X) (APPEND X Y)) alist: ((X (LIST X0 X1 X2 X3)) (Y Y)) (IF* (ZP (+ 1 N)) X (NTHCDR N (CDR X))) alist: ((X (LIST* X0 X1 X2 X3 Y)) (N 3)) ACL2 !>
Each of these term-alist pairs led to the next, and the test of the last
one, namely
What would have happened if we had used if in place of
Even if there were no infinite loop, this kind of use of