Top-level function for running a SAT solver.
(sat formula env$ &key (config '*default-config*)) → (mv status env$)
This is the top-level wrapper for calling SAT. It handles the details of clearing out the env$ and checking the SAT solver's answers when there is a counterexample or an LRAT proof available.
(defun sat-fn (formula env$ config) (declare (xargs :stobjs (env$))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (lit-list-listp formula) (config-p config)))) (let ((__function__ 'sat)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((env$ (mbe :logic (non-exec nil) :exec (resize-bits 0 env$))) ((when (trivial-unsat-p formula)) (mv :unsat env$)) ((config config) config) ((mv status env$ lrat-proof) (time$ (satlink-run config formula env$) :msg "; SATLINK: round trip: ~st sec, ~sa bytes.~%" :mintime config.mintime)) ((when (and (eq status :unsat) config.lrat-check)) (b* ((lrat-formula (formula-to-lrat-formula formula 1)) (ok (time$ (lrat::lrat-refutation-p$ lrat-proof lrat-formula) :msg "; SATLINK: lrat check: ~st sec, ~sa bytes.~%" :mintime config.mintime)) ((unless ok) (cw "SAT: Supposedly unsatisfiable, but check of LRAT proof failed!~%") (mv :failed env$))) (mv :unsat env$))) ((unless (eq status :sat)) (mv status env$)) ((when (time$ (int= 0 (eval-formula formula env$)) :msg "; SATLINK: verifying assignment: ~st sec, ~sa bytes~%" :mintime config.mintime)) (cw "SAT: Supposedly satisfiable, but assignment is wrong~%") (mv :failed env$))) (mv :sat env$))))
(defthm sat-normalize-env (implies (syntaxp (not (equal env$ ''nil))) (equal (sat formula env$ :config config) (sat formula nil :config config))))
(defthm sat-when-sat (b* (((mv status new-env$) (sat formula env$ :config config))) (implies (equal status :sat) (equal (eval-formula formula new-env$) 1))))
(defthm sat-when-unsat (b* (((mv status &) (sat formula env$ :config config))) (implies (equal (eval-formula formula env) 1) (not (equal status :unsat)))))