b* binder for list decomposition, using nth, with one
final nthcdr.
(b* (((nths* a b c d) (list-fn ...)))
is equivalent to
(b* ((tmp (list-fn ...))
(a (nth 0 tmp))
(b (nth 1 tmp))
(c (nth 2 tmp))
(d (nthcdr 3 tmp)))
Each of the arguments to the nths* binder may be a recursive binder,
and nths* may be nested inside other bindings.
This binder is very similar to the list* binder, see patbind-list*. However, here we put in explicit calls of nth and
nthcdr, whereas the list* binder will put in, e.g., car,
cadr, etc. The list* binder is likely to be more efficient in
general, but the nths* binder may occasionally be useful when you have
nth disabled.