An extension of defun-sk that supports automated skolemization and instantiation of quantified formulae
(include-book "coi/quantification/quantification" :dir :system) (def::un-sk forall-zen (a) (forall (x y) (implies (boo a x) (hoo a y)))) (def::un-sk exists-zen (a) (exists (x y) (not (implies (boo a x) (hoo a y))))) (defthmd forall-zen-instantiation-test (implies (forall-zen q) (implies (boo q x1) (hoo q y1))) :hints ((quant::inst?))) (defthmd exists-zen-instantiation-test (implies (not (exists-zen q)) (implies (boo q x1) (hoo q y1))) :hints ((quant::inst?))) ;; This is kind of a cool theorem (defthmd forall-is-not-exists (iff (forall-zen q) (not (exists-zen q))) :hints ((quant::skosimp) (quant::inst?))) ;; Here we use it to do "pick-a-point" proofs (def::un-sk assox-equiv (x y) (forall (a) (equal (assoc a x) (assoc a y)))) (defequiv assox-equiv :hints ((quant::skosimp) (quant::inst?))) (defcong assox-equiv equal (assoc a x) 2 :hints ((quant::skosimp) (quant::inst?))) (defcong assox-equiv assox-equiv (cons pair y) 2 :hints ((quant::skosimp) (quant::inst?))) (defcong assox-equiv assox-equiv (acons key value y) 3 :hints ((quant::skosimp) (quant::inst?)))