Undo back up to longest initial segment containing only calls of
certain symbols, including defpkg and include-book.
The following example explains how :ubi works. We start up
ACL2 and submit the following commands.
(include-book "kestrel/utilities/ubi" :dir :system)
(local (include-book "kestrel/utilities/system/world-queries" :dir :system))
(defpkg "FOO" nil)
(include-book "std/system/defun-sk-queries" :dir :system))
(defun f (x) x)
(include-book "arithmetic/top" :dir :system)
(defun g (x) x)
We can use :pbt to see where we are:
ACL2 !>:pbt 0
d 1 (INCLUDE-BOOK "kestrel/utilities/ubi"
:DIR ...)
d 2 (LOCAL (INCLUDE-BOOK "kestrel/utilities/system/world-queries"
:DIR ...))
d 4 (INCLUDE-BOOK "std/system/defun-sk-queries"
:DIR ...)
L 5 (DEFUN F (X) ...)
d 6 (INCLUDE-BOOK "arithmetic/top" :DIR ...)
L 7:x(DEFUN G (X) ...)
ACL2 !>
The :ubi command, which could be viewed as abbreviating ``Undo Back to
Includes'' or``Undo Back to Initial commands that we want to keep,'' undoes
commands to keep the longest initial segment of commands in the list
*keeper-cmds*, including include-book, defpkg, add-include-book-dir, and others; commands to be kept may be wrapped in calls
of local or with-output. These initial commands typically set
things up for the rest of the events in a given book. They often
include the commands from any ACL2-customization files, followed by
the include-book events at the start of the book. The :ubi
command can thus be used to quickly clear out anything introduced in the book,
while keeping the initial include-books, which may be slow to replay.
So to continue the example above:
ACL2 !>:ubi
d 4:x(INCLUDE-BOOK "std/system/defun-sk-queries"
:DIR ...)
ACL2 !>:pbt 0
d 1 (INCLUDE-BOOK "kestrel/utilities/ubi"
:DIR ...)
d 2 (LOCAL (INCLUDE-BOOK "kestrel/utilities/system/world-queries"
:DIR ...))
d 4:x(INCLUDE-BOOK "std/system/defun-sk-queries"
:DIR ...)
ACL2 !>
Note that when successful, :ubi generates a call of ubu, which
in turn prints out the most recent remaining command (in this case, command
number 4). But :ubi can fail if there is no undoing to do: we can extend
the log above by trying to run :ubi again.
ACL2 !>:ubi
There is nothing to undo, since all commands after the boot-strap are
ACL2 !>
Note that :ubi only looks at commands after the latest command that is
a call of reset-prehistory, if any. Continuing the example above,
where the final command is number 4 as shown above, let us execute these
(defun f (x) x)
(include-book "arithmetic/top" :dir :system)
(defun g (x) x)
Here is a subsequent log. Notice that :ubi only considers what is
after the call of reset-prehistory. Thus, the initial segment that we
keep concludes with the include-book that is command number 1, because
defun of f preceding that command is irrelevant (since that
defun precedes the reset-prehistory call).
ACL2 !>:pbt 0
d 1 (INCLUDE-BOOK "arithmetic/top" :DIR ...)
L 2:x(DEFUN G (X) ...)
ACL2 !>:ubi
d 1:x(INCLUDE-BOOK "arithmetic/top" :DIR ...)
ACL2 !>
Finally, note that ubi can be given any number of symbol arguments.
These are added to *keeper-commands* as those whose calls may appear in
the initial segment of post-boot-strap commands that remain after undoing.
Consider for example this world:
ACL2 !>:pbt 0
d 1 (INCLUDE-BOOK "kestrel/utilities/ubi"
:DIR ...)
d 2 (LOCAL (INCLUDE-BOOK "kestrel/utilities/system/world-queries"
:DIR ...))
d 4 (INCLUDE-BOOK "std/system/defun-sk-queries"
:DIR ...)
L 5 (DEFUN F (X) ...)
d 6 (INCLUDE-BOOK "arithmetic/top" :DIR ...)
L 7:x(DEFUN G (X) ...)
ACL2 !>
Our first example above showed that submitting :ubi leaves us with
four commands after the boot-strap world. Note that submitting :ubi is
equivalent to submitting (ubi); see keyword-commands. Suppose
that instead, we submit the command (ubt defun). Then commands that are
defun calls are allowed to remain in the resulting world. In this
example, every command is either a call of defun or a call of one of the
default commands in *keeper-commands*, so (ubi defun) has no effect.
If we then execute some other sort of command, say a call of defmacro,
then (ubi defun) will undo it, leaving us with the seven commands
displayed above. Of course, (ubi defun defmacro) would not undo the
defmacro call.