Evaluate without (ultimately) changing the world
General Form: (revert-world form)
Evaluation of
To see
(defun test-revert-world (state) (declare (xargs :mode :program :stobjs state)) (er-progn (value (cw "Length of (w state) before defun: ~x0~%" (length (w state)))) (revert-world (er-progn (trans-eval '(with-output :off :all ; avoid output ; (defun foo (x) x)) 'my-ctx state nil) (value (cw "Length of (w state) after defun: ~x0~%" (length (w state)))))) (value (cw "Length of (w state) after revert-world: ~x0~%" (length (w state))))))
Here is a log produced after admitting the definition above in a fresh
session (for an ACL2 build circa November 2017). It shows that the definition
lengthens the world, but that the world's length is back to its initial value
after we return from
ACL2 !>(test-revert-world state) Length of (w state) before defun: 107133 Length of (w state) after defun: 107153 Length of (w state) after revert-world: 107133 NIL ACL2 !>:pbt 0 0 (EXIT-BOOT-STRAP-MODE) P 1:x(DEFUN TEST-REVERT-WORLD (STATE) ...) ACL2 !>
The macroexpansion of