Git quick start guide
Each of the two topics github-commit-code-using-push and github-commit-code-using-pull-requests presents a minimal guide to using the Github repository for ACL2+Books. That repository exists on the web and contains the ``bleeding edge'' ACL2 source code and community-books, available between ACL2 releases (see release-notes). Those who are familiar with older version control systems, or perhaps with no version control systems, might find this guide to be helpful. For additional information, including the use of branches and links to more information about git, see the wiki page for git tips, books-certification, and the Internet in general. However, both of the above-mentioned guides are intended to be sufficient for you to obtain the latest ACL2 source code and community-books, and optionally, for you to contribute to the community-books.
Select the guide that is right for you based upon the headings below.