Make extensions explicit for arguments to occform modules.
(vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings) → (mv warnings new-expr)
See vl-atom-welltyped-p and note that our internal representation of sized expressions leaves zero/sign extensions of identifiers implicit. This is unfortunate because it means that, e.g., if we have something like:
wire [3:0] a; wire [4:0] b; assign lhs = a + b;
And we translate it into:
VL_5_BIT_PLUS my_adder (lhs, a, b);
Then the sizes of the arguments appear to be wrong in the pretty-printed representation of the output. We would rather produce something like:
VL_5_BIT_PLUS my_adder (lhs, {1'b0, a}, b);
So that the extensions are explicit. It's relatively easy to do this, now, because since we're going to give this operands as an argument to a submodule, its signedness is no longer relevant.
(defun vl-occform-argfix (x mod ialist warnings) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-expr-p x) (vl-module-p mod) (vl-warninglist-p warnings) (equal ialist (vl-make-moditem-alist mod))))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (posp (vl-expr->finalwidth x)) (vl-expr->finaltype x)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-occform-argfix)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((x (vl-expr-fix x)) ((unless (vl-idexpr-p x)) (mv (ok) x)) (name (vl-idexpr->name x)) (item (vl-fast-find-moduleitem name mod ialist)) ((unless item) (mv (fatal :type :vl-occform-bad-id :msg "No declaration found for ~a0." :args (list x)) x)) (tag (tag item)) ((unless (eq tag :vl-vardecl)) (mv (fatal :type :vl-occform-bad-id :msg "Trying to occform identifier ~a0, which has some strange type ~x1." :args (list x (tag item))) x)) ((unless (vl-simplevar-p item)) (mv (fatal :type :vl-occform-bad-id :msg "Trying to occform identifier ~a0, which is not a simple var." :args (list x)) x))) (vl-occform-extend-id x (vl-simplevar->range item) warnings))))
(defthm vl-warninglist-p-of-vl-occform-argfix.warnings (b* (((mv ?warnings ?new-expr) (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings))) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv ?warnings ?new-expr) (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings))) (vl-expr-p new-expr)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-expr->finalwidth-of-vl-occform-argfix (equal (vl-expr->finalwidth (mv-nth 1 (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings))) (vl-expr->finalwidth x)))
(defthm vl-occform-argfix-of-vl-expr-fix-x (equal (vl-occform-argfix (vl-expr-fix x) mod ialist warnings) (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings)))
(defthm vl-occform-argfix-vl-expr-equiv-congruence-on-x (implies (vl-expr-equiv x x-equiv) (equal (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings) (vl-occform-argfix x-equiv mod ialist warnings))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-occform-argfix-of-vl-module-fix-mod (equal (vl-occform-argfix x (vl-module-fix mod) ialist warnings) (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings)))
(defthm vl-occform-argfix-vl-module-equiv-congruence-on-mod (implies (vl-module-equiv mod mod-equiv) (equal (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings) (vl-occform-argfix x mod-equiv ialist warnings))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-occform-argfix-of-vl-warninglist-fix-warnings (equal (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist (vl-warninglist-fix warnings)) (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings)))
(defthm vl-occform-argfix-vl-warninglist-equiv-congruence-on-warnings (implies (vl-warninglist-equiv warnings warnings-equiv) (equal (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings) (vl-occform-argfix x mod ialist warnings-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)