Generate the new names that we'll use for replicated instances.
(vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings) → (mv warnings names nf)
This function is responsible for naming the new gate or module instances that are going to be created when we split up an instance array. We really want these new names to correspond to the original instance name and the instance numbers, since otherwise it can be hard to understand the relationship of the transformed module's state to the original module.
Suppose we are transforming an instance like this:
type foo [N:0] (arg1, arg2, ..., argM);
We produce a list of
We want to return the names so that the name corresponding to the most
significant bits comes first. If the range is like
(defun vl-replicated-instnames (instname instrange nf ctx warnings) (declare (xargs :guard (and (maybe-stringp instname) (vl-range-p instrange) (vl-namefactory-p nf) (vl-modelement-p ctx) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)))) (declare (xargs :guard (vl-range-resolved-p instrange))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-replicated-instnames)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((instname (maybe-string-fix instname)) (ctx (vl-modelement-fix ctx)) (left (vl-resolved->val (vl-range->msb instrange))) (right (vl-resolved->val (vl-range->lsb instrange))) (low (min left right)) (high (max left right)) (instname (or instname "unnamed")) (names-low-to-high (vl-preferred-replicate-names low high instname)) (names-msb-first (if (>= left right) (reverse names-low-to-high) names-low-to-high)) ((mv fresh nf) (vl-namefactory-plain-names names-msb-first nf)) ((when (equal names-msb-first fresh)) (mv (ok) names-msb-first nf)) ((mv fresh nf) (vl-bad-replicate-names (+ 1 (- high low)) (cat "vl_badname_" instname) nf))) (mv (warn :type :vl-warn-replicate-name :msg "~a0: preferred names for instance array ~s1 are not ~ available, so using lousy vl_badname_* naming scheme ~ instead. This conflict is caused by ~&2." :args (list ctx instname (difference (mergesort names-msb-first) (mergesort fresh)))) (rev fresh) nf))))
(defthm vl-warninglist-p-of-vl-replicated-instnames.warnings (b* (((mv ?warnings ?names ?nf) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings))) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm string-listp-of-vl-replicated-instnames.names (b* (((mv ?warnings ?names ?nf) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings))) (string-listp names)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv ?warnings ?names ?nf) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings))) (vl-namefactory-p nf)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm len-of-vl-replicated-instnames (implies (and (force (vl-range-resolved-p instrange)) (force (vl-namefactory-p nf))) (equal (len (mv-nth 1 (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings))) (vl-range-size instrange))))
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-of-maybe-string-fix-instname (equal (vl-replicated-instnames (maybe-string-fix instname) instrange nf ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings)))
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-maybe-string-equiv-congruence-on-instname (implies (maybe-string-equiv instname instname-equiv) (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname-equiv instrange nf ctx warnings))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-of-vl-range-fix-instrange (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname (vl-range-fix instrange) nf ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings)))
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-vl-range-equiv-congruence-on-instrange (implies (vl-range-equiv instrange instrange-equiv) (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange-equiv nf ctx warnings))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-of-vl-namefactory-fix-nf (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange (vl-namefactory-fix nf) ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings)))
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-vl-namefactory-equiv-congruence-on-nf (implies (vl-namefactory-equiv nf nf-equiv) (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf-equiv ctx warnings))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-of-vl-modelement-fix-ctx (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf (vl-modelement-fix ctx) warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings)))
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-vl-modelement-equiv-congruence-on-ctx (implies (vl-modelement-equiv ctx ctx-equiv) (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx-equiv warnings))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-of-vl-warninglist-fix-warnings (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx (vl-warninglist-fix warnings)) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings)))
(defthm vl-replicated-instnames-vl-warninglist-equiv-congruence-on-warnings (implies (vl-warninglist-equiv warnings warnings-equiv) (equal (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings) (vl-replicated-instnames instname instrange nf ctx warnings-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)