Synthesize edge-triggered
(vl-module-edgesynth x &key vecp) → (mv new-x addmods)
(defun vl-module-edgesynth-fn (x vecp) (declare (xargs :guard (vl-module-p x))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-module-edgesynth)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((vl-module x) x) ((when (vl-module->hands-offp x)) (mv x nil)) ((unless (consp x.alwayses)) (mv x nil)) ((when (consp x.taskdecls)) (b* ((warnings (warn :type :vl-edgesynth-fail :msg "~m0 has tasks, so we are not going to try to ~ synthesize its always blocks." :args (list :acc x.warnings))) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings) nil))) ((when (consp x.initials)) (b* ((warnings (warn :type :vl-edgesynth-fail :msg "~m0 has initial statements so we aren't going to ~ try to synthesize its always blocks. Note: usually ~ eliminitial should be run before edgesynth, in ~ which case you should not see this warning." :args (list :acc x.warnings))) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings) nil))) (delta (vl-starting-delta x)) (delta (change-vl-delta delta :modinsts x.modinsts :assigns x.assigns)) (scary-regs (vl-always-scary-regs x.alwayses)) (cvtregs nil) ((mv new-alwayses cvtregs delta) (vl-alwayslist-edgesynth x.alwayses scary-regs x.vardecls cvtregs delta :vecp vecp)) ((vl-delta delta) (vl-free-delta delta)) ((mv fixed-vardecls fixed-portdecls) (vl-convert-regs cvtregs x.vardecls x.portdecls)) (final-vardecls (append-without-guard delta.vardecls fixed-vardecls)) (new-x (change-vl-module x :vardecls final-vardecls :portdecls fixed-portdecls :assigns delta.assigns :modinsts delta.modinsts :alwayses new-alwayses :warnings delta.warnings))) (mv new-x delta.addmods))))
(defthm (implies (and (force (vl-module-p x))) (b* (((mv ?new-x ?addmods) (vl-module-edgesynth-fn x vecp))) (vl-module-p new-x))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-modulelist-p-of-vl-module-edgesynth.addmods (implies (and (force (vl-module-p x))) (b* (((mv ?new-x ?addmods) (vl-module-edgesynth-fn x vecp))) (vl-modulelist-p addmods))) :rule-classes :rewrite)