Collapse nested
(vl-flatten-blocks sequentialp stmts) → new-stmts
This function carries out rewrites such as:
begin begin foo = a; --> foo = a; begin bar = b; bar = b; baz = c; baz = c; goo = d; end end goo = d; end
It can similarly collapse fork/join blocks with inner fork/join blocks.
We don't try to merge blocks that have their own scopes (i.e., names/decls). Handling them correctly seems very tricky because of hierarchical identifiers, etc.
BOZO. We recursively flatten sub-blocks. I'm not sure if we need to do this, given the way that vl-stmt-rewrite works. Well, it's probably just some useless computation if it's not necessary.
(defun vl-flatten-blocks (sequentialp stmts) (declare (xargs :guard (and (booleanp sequentialp) (vl-stmtlist-p stmts)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-flatten-blocks)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((stmts (vl-stmtlist-fix stmts)) ((when (atom stmts)) nil) ((unless (and (vl-blockstmt-p (car stmts)) (eq (vl-blockstmt->sequentialp (car stmts)) sequentialp) (not (vl-blockstmt->name (car stmts))) (atom (vl-blockstmt->vardecls (car stmts))) (atom (vl-blockstmt->paramdecls (car stmts))))) (cons (car stmts) (vl-flatten-blocks sequentialp (cdr stmts)))) (merged-stmts (append-without-guard (vl-blockstmt->stmts (car stmts)) (cdr stmts)))) (vl-flatten-blocks sequentialp merged-stmts))))
(defthm vl-stmtlist-p-of-vl-flatten-blocks (implies (and (force (booleanp sequentialp)) (force (vl-stmtlist-p stmts))) (b* ((new-stmts (vl-flatten-blocks sequentialp stmts))) (vl-stmtlist-p new-stmts))) :rule-classes :rewrite)