This is a preprocessing step in synthesizing always blocks. We expect it to be run only after expressions are sized.
We rewrite statements throughout each flop-like
We don't apply this transform to latch-like blocks, because it would
interfere with our sensitivity-list checking. That is, if our sensitivity list
is something like
Regarding (1), this is mainly an optimization. The idea is that we want to simplify the condition expressions, since we might end up duplicating them across many flops. That is, if we have a block like:
always @@(posedge clk) if (foo1 + foo2 + foo3 + foo4 == 1) begin a <= b; c <= d; end
Then this might lead to flops like:
myflop flop1 (a, (foo1 + foo2 + foo3 + foo4 == 1) ? b : a, clk); myflop flop2 (c, (foo1 + foo2 + foo3 + foo4 == 1) ? d : c, clk);
And we'll be redundantly synthesizing this complex expression. This wouldn't necessarily be any kind of problem, but it seems like we can do better by pulling the combinational logic out of the conditions, e.g.:
wire temp = |( foo1 + foo2 + foo3 + foo4 == 1); always @(posedge clk) if (temp) begin a <= b; c <= d; end
When we synthesize this simpler block, we'll avoid introducing the repeated subexpression. That is, our output will be something like:
wire temp = |( foo1 + foo2 + foo3 + foo4 == 1); myflop flop1 (a, temp ? b : a, clk); myflop flop2 (c, temp ? d : c, clk);
Regarding (2), the idea here is that to support blocks that write to different bits of wires, we may need to split up the right-hand sides. For instance, if we are trying to synthesize something like:
always @@(posedge clk) if (cond) {a[1:0], a[3:2]} <= b1 + b2; else a[3:0] <= b1 + b2 + 1;
Then we're basically going to end up dealing with this at the bit level, and
we're going to have to talk about bit