Results of collecting up immediate dependencies.
This is a product type introduced by defprod.
- all-okp — booleanp
- Were we able to successfully resolve every identifier we
encountered? Even when this is nil, we may be able to
provide at least mostly accurate dependency information.
- deps — string-listp
- List of dependencies that have been collected. Note that for
compatibility with depgraph::toposort, we exclude any
dependencies that are not found as top-level design elements.
For instance, if we find a module instance of module foo,
but foo is not defined, we do not include a
dependency on foo.
- warnings — vl-warninglist
- Any warnings accumulated during the process of collecting these
It might be better to turn deps into a fast association list
binding names we've seen to T, since there will likely be many duplicates.
But, for now, we'll just use a simple list-based version. It would be easy to
change this: just modify vl-immdeps-add-raw-dependency and vl-immdepgraph-merge.
- Vl-immdeps-p
- Recognizer for vl-immdeps structures.
- Vl-immdeps-add-error
- Note that there is an error with the dependencies we're collecting.
- Vl-immdeps-add-item
- Safely add a dependency onto an item (i.e., a parameter, variable,
function name, type name, etc.)
- Vl-immdeps-add-definition
- Safely add a dependency onto a definition (i.e., an interface,
module, user-defined primitive, etc. If there is no such definition,
add a warning instead of a dependency.
- Vl-immdeps-add-pkgdep
- Safely add a dependency onto a package. If the package doesn't
exist, add a warning instead of a dependency.
- Vl-immdeps-fix
- Fixing function for vl-immdeps structures.
- Vl-immdeps-add-raw-dependency
- Add a single top-level dependency to the answer we're building.
- Vl-immdeps-equiv
- Basic equivalence relation for vl-immdeps structures.
- Make-vl-immdeps
- Basic constructor macro for vl-immdeps structures.
- Vl-immdeps->warnings
- Get the warnings field from a vl-immdeps.
- Vl-immdeps->deps
- Get the deps field from a vl-immdeps.
- Vl-immdeps->all-okp
- Get the all-okp field from a vl-immdeps.
- Change-vl-immdeps
- Modifying constructor for vl-immdeps structures.