Re-enter the svtv-chase read-eval-print loop, with no change to the environment or SVTV.
(svtv-chase-repl1 &key (moddb 'moddb) (aliases 'aliases) (svtv-chase-data 'svtv-chase-data) (state 'state)) → (mv new-svtv-chase-data new-state)
(defun svtv-chase-repl1-fn (moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state))) (declare (xargs :guard (moddb-ok moddb))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (open-input-channel-p *standard-oi* :object state) (< (svtv-chase-data->modidx svtv-chase-data) (moddb->nmods moddb)) (<= (moddb-mod-totalwires (svtv-chase-data->modidx svtv-chase-data) moddb) (aliass-length aliases))))) (let ((__function__ 'svtv-chase-repl1)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((mv exitp svtv-chase-data state) (svtv-chase-rep)) ((when exitp) (cw! "~%Exiting SVTV-CHASE. You may execute ~x0 to re-enter or ~x1 ~ to change the simulation inputs.~%" '(svtv-chase-repl) '(svtv-chase-update env)) (mv svtv-chase-data state))) (svtv-chase-repl1))))
(defthm nth-of-svtv-chase-repl1 (b* (((mv ?new-svtv-chase-data ?new-state) (svtv-chase-repl1-fn moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state))) (implies (not (member-equal (nfix n) (list *svtv-chase-data->smartp* *svtv-chase-data->stack* *svtv-chase-data->sigtype* *svtv-chase-data->vars* *svtv-chase-data->expr* *svtv-chase-data->print-with-mask-mode* *svtv-chase-data->print-overrides-mode*))) (equal (nth n new-svtv-chase-data) (nth n svtv-chase-data)))))