(Deprecated) Diagnose hardware or stimulus bugs by studying an SVTV run in a special-purpose read-eval-print loop.
(svtv-chase x env &key (debugdata 'debugdata) (moddb 'moddb) (aliases 'aliases) (svtv-chase-data 'svtv-chase-data) (state 'state) (rewrite 't)) → (mv new-debugdata new-moddb new-aliases new-svtv-chase-data new-state)
This version of the utility is deprecated in favor of svtv-chase$.
To enter this read-eval-print loop for the first time, run:
(svtv-chase svtv env)
where SVTV is an svtv object (as produced by defsvtv) and env is an assignment to the input/override signals of that SVTV. Depending on the complexity of the SVTV, the initial setup done by this command may take a few minutes.
When setup is complete, you'll be shown an
At some point you may want to exit the read-eval-print loop, which you can
do by typing
(defun svtv-chase-fn (x env debugdata moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state rewrite) (declare (xargs :stobjs (debugdata moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (svtv-p x) (svex-env-p env) (moddb-ok moddb)))) (declare (xargs :guard (open-input-channel-p *standard-oi* :object state))) (let ((__function__ 'svtv-chase)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((svtv x)) (mod-fn (intern-in-package-of-symbol (cat (symbol-name x.name) "-MOD") x.name)) ((mv err design) (magic-ev-fncall mod-fn nil state t t)) ((when err) (cw! "Couldn't run ~x0: ~@1~%" mod-fn err) (mv debugdata moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state)) ((unless (and (design-p design) (modalist-addr-p (design->modalist design)))) (cw! "~x0 returned a malformed design~%" mod-fn) (mv debugdata moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state)) ((mv err moddb aliases debugdata) (svtv-debug-init design)) ((when err) (mv debugdata moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state)) (debugdata (svtv-debug-set-svtv x :rewrite rewrite)) ((mv err namemap probes) (svtv-chase-probes x (debugdata->modidx debugdata) moddb aliases)) (svtv-chase-data (if err (prog2$ (cw "Svtv-chase: failed to convert ~ outputs to signals--- the '~x0' ~ directive will not be available. ~ Error: ~@1" '(o name) err) svtv-chase-data) (b* ((svtv-chase-data (set-svtv-chase-data->namemap namemap svtv-chase-data))) (set-svtv-chase-data->probes probes svtv-chase-data)))) ((mv svtv-chase-data state) (svtv-chase-update env))) (mv debugdata moddb aliases svtv-chase-data state))))