Description of the override transparency property needed for decomposition
In the SVTV decomposition methodology, we expect to be able to
override the values of certain internal signals of a design in order to reason
about fanout logic of those signals without including the fanin logic. In
order to then compose these theorems with theorems about other decompositions
of the design, we need to know that if we overrode those signals with the same
values they would have anyway, then we get the same outputs. This is called
the override transparency property. Here we explain that property more
Override transparency is a property of an expression or set of expressions
with respect to (1) a set of overridekeys (a set of internal signals
that may be overridden) and (2) a substitution (svex-alist) giving the driving
expressions for those internal signals if those expressions evaluate the same
on environments that agree in a certain sense with respect to those variables.
(When discussing override-transparency of an FSM, we use the FSM's value
substitution for the driving expressions; an FSM is then override-transparent
on a set of keys if its value substitution and nextstate substitution are both
override-transparent with respect to those keys and the value substitution.) A
set of expressions is override-transparent if the expressions evaluate to the
same values on any two environments which are consistent on all override values
and agree strictly on all other variables. This notion of consistency on
overridden values essentially says that environment \mathrm{env}_1 overrides a
superset of the signals that \mathrm{env}_2 does, the additional overridden signals
in \mathrm{env}_1 are given the same values as are computed for them under
\mathrm{env}_2, and all other assignments are the same.
To formalize this more completely we need a few definitions.
Each variable has an override property, which may be nil, :test,
or :val. Regular inputs, outputs, and internal signals of a circuit have
override property nil (or, they are non-override variables). We can
reversibly change the override property of a variable, so each non-override
variable has a unique corresponding override-test and override-val variable. In LaTeX formulas following, we'll use non-subscripted variables such as s for non-override variables, s_t for the corresponding override-test variable, and s_v for the corresponding override-val variable.
Before we compose the local assignments for each signal of the circuit to
obtain the full update functions of all signals, we insert override muxes on
some or all internal signals, replacing each use of such signals with a bitwise
if-then-else expression: s_t\ ?\ s_v\ :\ s.
Non-override variables such as s are then replaced during composition
with their update functions, while override-test and override-val variables s_t and s_v
remain free. In the resulting formulas, we can then override signal s or part
of it by setting some bits of s_t to 1s and
setting the corresponding bits of s_v to the desired
We can now define the override consistency condition between environments.
In ACL2 this predicate is named overridekeys-envs-agree. This is a
relation between two environments, parametrized by a set of variables and a
substitution (svex-alist) giving the values of internal signals in terms of
primary inputs and previous state variables. It is not an equivalence relation
because one environment \mathrm{env}_1 (called impl-env in the ACL2
function) must override a superset of the variables of the other environment
\mathrm{env}_2 (spec-env).
Definition: Override Consistency of Environments
Environments \mathrm{env}_1 and \mathrm{env}_2 are
override-consistent with respect to override signals S and value
substitution \sigma if for all non-override signals s and bit
indices i:
- Values of non-override variables and override test/value variables not in S are equal in the two environments:
- All signal bits overridden in \mathrm{env}_2 are also overridden in \mathrm{env}_1:
- Signal bits overridden in both environments are overridden to the same value:
- Signal bits overridden in \mathrm{env}_1 and not \mathrm{env}_2 are overridden there to the corresponding bit of the evaluation with \mathrm{env}_2 of that signal's binding in \sigma:
Finally, we can now define the override transparency property of
expressions, expression lists, and substitutions. This is parametrized on the
same set of variables and substitution as in the override consistency of
environments, and simply says that for any two environments that satisfy the
override consistency condition, the evaluations of that expression/expression
list/substitution on those two environments are equal.