Check if a configuration is terminating.
If we try to exhaustively apply the step function to an initial configuration, either we will reach a final configuration with no commands, or we will keep stepping forever. This function recognizes which situation we are in: it is a property of the initial configuration.
This function is not executable. It uses an (unbounded) existential quantifier. The configuration is terminating if there is a number of steps after which the final configuration has no commands.
(defthm terminatingp-suff (implies (and (natp n) (not (consp (config->comms (stepn cfg n))))) (terminatingp cfg)))
(defthm booleanp-of-terminatingp (b* ((yes/no (terminatingp cfg))) (booleanp yes/no)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm terminatingp-of-config-fix-cfg (equal (terminatingp (config-fix cfg)) (terminatingp cfg)))
(defthm terminatingp-config-equiv-congruence-on-cfg (implies (config-equiv cfg cfg-equiv) (equal (terminatingp cfg) (terminatingp cfg-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm natp-of-terminatingp-witness (implies (terminatingp cfg) (natp (terminatingp-witness cfg))) :rule-classes :type-prescription)